BOBBY FISCHER The Persecution of a Genius August 2012 marked - TopicsExpress


BOBBY FISCHER The Persecution of a Genius August 2012 marked the anniversary of an extraordinary moment in Chess history: the 1972 match in which Bobby Fischer, arguably the worlds greatest Chess genius ever, defeated Boris Spassky for the chess championship of the world. This was a time of the cold war between US-Soviet and an American could, in the most intellectual of all sports, beat the Russian giants. Somehow the story of Fischer and Spassky and their epic match, which ended 40 years ago that month, captured ordinary peoples attention in a way that no struggle of intellect has since. The two best players in the world were playing 24 games in Iceland, and everyone paid attention. Strangers who had never picked up a chess piece discussed the match on subway trains. Newspapers put out special editions announcing the results of the games, and vendors hawked them from the corners, shouting out the name of the winner. Book publishers were signing up chess writers by the dozens. Bobby Fischer became chess and the US foremost hero. Bobby Fischer was the hero of the American media; here was the first American chess player to become the best in the world. Fischers victory revivified chess in the U.S. and across the globe, and succeeded in making tourneys a big business. Bobby was an eccentric, but many geniuses are eccentric, and virtually every top chess player shares that quality. As in the case of many geniuses, Bobby made many demands of officials around him, in his case tournament directors. His demands were portrayed as picky and batty. These demands not being met, Bobby retired from world chess. Karpov should not have accepted FIDEs decision to recieve the World Championship without playing Fischer. That he accepted does not speak well for Karpov as a moral person. B. Spasski and V. Kortnoj have claimed, like Fischer, that games and matches of Karpov-Kasparov were fixed. Yasser Seirawan speaks at some lengths about this in his amazingly good book No Regrets, which is a book on the 1992 Fischer-Spasski match in Yugoslavia. 2012 was also the 20th year anniversary of the World Chess Champion return match against Boris Spasskij in Yugoslavia 1992. Now, lured by a multi-million dollar gate guaranteed by a Yugoslav businessman, Bobby, still maintaining that he is undefeated world champion, agreed to play his old rival Spassky, the first ten-game winner to be declared the victor. However, the US-Government, now angered at Bobby Fischer, who had by this time stopped playing chess, sent him a letter warning that he would be violating United Nations sanctions by playing chess in 1992 Yugoslavia. The letter stated that Fischer faces possible fines of $250,000 and 10 years in prison if he goes ahead with the match. In response, Fischer called a press-conference and in front of the international press and camera stated This is my reply and spat on the U.S. order forbidding him to play! Fischer was then asked by the journalists if he supports the U.N. sanctions, which were ultimately aimed at regime-change and the demolition of Yugoslavia. No I dont support the sanctions because first of all I dont support the UN he said. For example, look at Israel. There has been resolution after resolution against them for them to leave the West Bank and so on... They ignore resolutions and never have sanctions against them. Following the match, the US-government issued an arrest warrant against Fischer, who remained wanted by the United States government for the rest of his life and never returned to the U.S. Press-conference with Fischer in Yugoslavia 1992: youtube/watch?v=7O7cYKY84FU&feature=youtube_gdata_player After forcing Fischer to live in exile, the US-government stole all his assets, worth a fortune, with the lame excuse that he owed $400! 911oz/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=5976 Fischer being persecuted by the US was offered political asylum in Iceland, where he died 2008 at the symbolic age of 64 (64 is the number of chess squares). Fischer should not only be remembered for playing great chess, but for being, likely, the only person in world-history who has been threatened with a lengthy prison sentence and a heavy fine and forced to live in exile for playing chess! Fischer joked about this: ...and for playing great chess! If I got prison for playing bad chess that might have been another matter, but for playing great chess?! Note that Fischer thereby did NOT violate any law, but disregarded an executive order from the US-government. Sanctions were hanged on Yugoslavia by the UN-security council. The UN and UN-security council was formed after WWII to hinder wars. However, over 200 armed conflicts broke out after its establishment and the victims of these wars are more than the total victims of WWII, without any actions taken by the UN to stop and check these wars. These wars were mainly serving US-interests. Fischer was a victim of severe state repression for exercising his civil rights of freedom of speech and action, including the right to disagree with and disregard the outrageous UN-security-council resolutions. Fischer seems to have been a hero in both chess and life!! One would think that the media would have hailed the 1992 return of the colorful, charismatic, and memorable Bobby. Americans, after all, are sentimental and love Comeback Kids, as Slick Willie has realized. And yet, oddly enough, Bobbys return has been greeted with a stream of frenetic and hysterical abuse by the once-admiring media, the Smear Brigade being led by such Respectable organs as the New York Times and the Washington Post, the Post being particularly vicious. The other organs of opinion duly followed the line set down by the elites. Let us note some of the common charges. One: Bobby is paranoid, having charged that the Soviet grandmasters delayed his championship for a decade by conspiring to draw against each other, saving all their ammunition to turn against him. And yet, years later, defecting Soviet grandmaster Victor Korchnoi backed up Bobbys paranoid charges to the hilt. Two: Bobby makes excessive, trivial, and loony demands of tournament directors. And yet, virtually all of these supposedly wacko demands have now been adopted, and chess experts have begun to see their merits. For example: It was Bobbys correct charges of Soviet conspiracy that forced the international chess authorities to change the way they pick championship contenders, turning from tournaments (where deliberate draws can be concocted) to one-on-one matches, where such conspiracies cannot take place. Bobby has also pioneered in changing tournament time clocks, to guard against being rushed to beat the time clock. This innovation showed a principled regard for the good of the game, since one of Bobbys attributes as a chess player is that he himself was virtually never in time trouble. Three: Bobby, at 50, is older and fatter and balder than he was as a gangling youth twenty and more years ago. Well, gee, thats a helluva charge: tell me, guys, who isnt older and fatter and balder twenty years later? Four: Bobby must be a nut, since he lived as a recluse. Well, being a recluse is often in the eye of the beholder. In Bobbys case, it seems to mean guarding his privacy against the prying of the barracuda press. Is it really nutty, for a celebrity to want the press to leave him alone? Five: The writer in the Washington Post, who reached the acme of frenzy in denouncing poor Bobby, noted that since Bobby is in violation of the absurd UN sanctions against Yugoslavia, his dealing with the enemy Serbs by playing chess could subject Bobby to a large fine and ten years in jail. For playing chess?! The Post writer declared that prison for Bobby wouldnt be bad, since it would compare favorably with the residential motels in Pasadena where Bobby has been living for the past two decades. Im sure this writer is one of these guys bleeding with compassion for the homeless. How would his fans like it if he said that jail is fine for the homeless, since jail is better than living on the streets? If the Post guy would never make such an insensitive statement, does he really think that living in cheap motels is worse than being homeless? Six: Bobby was accompanied by an 18-year-old Hungarian girlfriend, a fellow tournament chess player who thinks Bobby is the greatest. Fischer has actually been denounced for having a young girlfriend, by people who liken this fact to the Woody Allen case of quasi-incest! Fischers statements on political zionism are oft referred to as paranoid: that the US government (and much else) is controlled by powerful Israel lobbies. This is though not insane enough to be also claimed by two Professors of Political Science at the Harvard University and the Chicago University, see Bobby denounced Zionism as racism. He also said Bolshevism is a mask for Judaism. The following Judaic commentary (Jerusalem Post) on Bobby Fischer is revealing. jpost/International/Article.aspx?id=89383 It illuminates the extent to which race pride and ethnic nationalism keeps The Tribe from completely disavowing Fischer. They hate him at the same time they want to take credit for his genius. This article also contains an interesting association between Khazar (Jewish) genius and schizophrenia: Bobby was smart because he was allegedly descended of a Judaic mother (his German physicist father appears not to have made a noteworthy contribution), but he was insane because he opposed Judaism and believed in Judaic ritual murder of Christian children (like Bar-Ilan University Prof. Ariel Toaff, son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome did, before he was threatened with imprisonment and termination of his teaching career). But, says the Jerusalem Post, there is a better Gaon (Judaic genius, usually applied to a rabbi): chess champ Gary Kasparov, the campaigner for Zionist suverainty in Russia against Putin. This JP column is really a mess but it testifies to the Talmudic mentality: even when dealing with one of their worst enemies, they cant quite stop taking genetic credit for his intelligence. The article is also inaccurate. Bobbys public campaign against Judaism and Zionism commenced not in the 1990s but in the 1980s, when he lived in Pasadena, California and began handing out IHR (Institute for Historical Review) revisionist pamphlets in front of the Los Angeles Public Library. One needs believe very little of what the media asserts about the ethnicity of Regina Wender, Bobbys mother, or much of anything else, without some form of independent collaboration. The media claim that Bobbys mother was of ethnic Judaic descent. Thats all we have, an assertion. It makes no real difference, but since he refused the honor, there is no reason not to question the fundamental validity of the allegation itself. The Zionists want to claim Bobby Fischers genius for their own, even as they term his opposition to their ideology a form of sickness. Bobby stated in writing that fraudulently misrepresenting me to be a Jew constituted dishonestly abusing my name. Then as now, the abuse continues. Yasser Seirawan, (originally from Syria), one of US most respected chess journalists and strongest Grandmasters, wrote after spending time with Bobby Fischer in 1992 I threw (after that) most of what Id ever read about Bobby out of my head. Sheer garbage. Bobby is the most misunderstood, misquoted celebrity walking the face of the earth. Seirawan wrote that Fischer is not camera shy, smiles and laughs easily, and is a wholly enjoyable conversationalist. A fine wit, he is a very funny man. (See Seirawans book No Regrets). Viswanathan Anand, said in an interview in January 2009, at a time when Anand held the Crown of World Chess Champion: Bobby Fischer was the greatest chess player who ever lived. He was a very special person, and I was fortunate to meet him two years ago... He passed away recently, now I consider that I was lucky to meet him. telegraphindia/1090116/jsp/sports/story_10397969.jsp The Indian Anand and the Syrian Seirawan seemingly view Bobby Fischer different from the rest of the (largly Jewish) chess community and media. So why the unfair and out-of-line hysteria about Bobby? Well, it turns out that Bobby, an independent thinker in other fields than chess, is definitely not Politically Correct. Apparently, even chess players are not allowed to stray beyond the narrow bounds of PC without being severely punished. Bobby Fischer was a wanted fugitive at the time of his death, hunted and hounded for years by the US-government because he played a chess match in Yugoslavia without Bill Clinton’s permission. He was jailed for nine months in Japan at the behest of the U.S. His real “crime” was his outspoken political views. For a national and international chess hero to be treated in this manner is disgraceful. Very little media attention has been given to the bureaucrats in the US-government who are responsible for Fischer dying in exile in Iceland. Also Amnesty International doesnt mention the case. The hypocrisy can be seen by that Amnesty International distributed petitions about the punk band going by the name of Pussy Riot, who stormed into a Moscow church, defamed the Russian government while mocking the beliefs of churchgoers with vulgarity and disruptive behavior. This is marketed as an act of freedom of expression by Amnesty and the Western media and the Wests collection of foreign ministries, despite that in the West, the same act would in reality come with steep fines and lengthy jail sentences. So we are faced with the important question: are we going to insist that successful people in every walk of life, in order to maintain their positions, will have to sign on to the entire barrage of political correctness? Before we honor or consult a dentist, an actor, an astronomer, a baseball pitcher, a composer, are we going to run them through the gauntlet of p.c., quiz them unmercifully, and make sure that every one of them is sound on the Jewish, black, gay, Hispanic, disabled, animal rights, and dozens of other issues of the day? Are we going to fit everyone, regardless of occupation, to the Procrustean bed? How far are we going to forge the chains of totalitarianism in our society? [Sources: the above article contains cut-outs from articles by Michael A. Hoffman II revisionistreview.blogspot/2008/01/jerusalem-post-on-bobby-fischer-schizo.html and Murray N. Rothbard archive.lewrockwell/rothbard/ir/Ch58.html ]
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 07:27:08 +0000

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