BOGUS CALLER INCIDENT – KNIGHTSWOOD, GLASGOW Following a bogus caller incident in Knightswood, Glasgow, yesterday, officers from Police Scotland are asking people to be extra vigilant. Around midday yesterday, Monday 10 November, a man called at the home of a 91 year old woman in Alderman Road, Knightswood, Glasgow, advising her of government grants for roof repairs and convincing her that she needed her roof checked. After ‘inspecting’ the roof with two other men who had joined him, the woman was told that her roof required urgent repairs. She was quoted a price for the work but as she did not have money in the house, they offered to drive her to a bank. Trusting that the men were reputable workmen, the woman got into the car and was driven to three banks to withdraw money from her account. The first was the TSB was on Great Western Road, Anniesland, Glasgow, where she withdrew a three-figure sum of cash. The second was the TSB in Clydebank Shopping Centre where she withdrew a four-figure sum of money. Finally, she was taken to a third TSB in Byres Road where a further four-figure sum was taken out. At this bank the three suspects met with a fourth man driving a small white van. The woman was dropped near her home in Pikeman Road, Knightswood, by the men who drove off and have not returned to do the work. The suspects are described as: 1 - male, approx 40s, white, approx 6 feet in height, of stocky/heavy build. He was wearing grey fleece top. 2 - male, 60s, white, approx 5ft 10 in height, of medium build and was wearing a dark baseball hat and dark woolly gloves. 3. - male, 30 - 40, white, 5 ft 8 in height, of slim build, with dark shaved hair and was wearing dark blue jeans. 4. - male, late 50s, white, Glaswegian accent, wearing a hat and dirty blue jeans. The car is described as dirty silver older style car – with the letter ‘G’ in the number plate. It had two sets of ladders on the roof. The small white van had the word ‘Electrical’ on the side panelling. Officers from CID are currently gathering CCTV footage from the various routes the car could have driven and will be reviewing this footage to identify further detail on the suspects and their car. Officers are also carrying out door-to-door enquiries in the area to gather further information and additional officers will be on patrol to reassure residents and to offer crime prevention advice. Chief Inspector John McBride, Area Commander, said: “Deliberately targeting elderly and vulnerable members in our communities is cowardly and absolutely heartless. To take the time to orchestrate this particular crime; deliberately setting out to dupe an elderly woman; is really quite despicable. “This incident once again highlights there are selfish people out there who will take advantage of anyone and use any means, no matter what, to commit crime. “Many bogus callers claim to be representatives of organisations such as the council or utility companies and will try and get into your home by saying they have to carry out urgent repairs – our advice is if you are in doubt then keep them out. “I would urge all residents to contact the police should you have even the slightest doubt as to the authenticity of anyone calling at your or indeed a neighbours door. Genuine callers will not be aggrieved should you doubt their credentials.” Anyone with information is asked to contact Drumchapel Police office on the non-emergency police number 101. Alternatively if you have any information regarding these suspects or this crime then please give your information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Some precautions to bear in mind are: • Keep your door locked at all times, even when you are in the house or are just popping out for a few minutes. • Speak to the person from behind the door or open a window to speak to them to enquire who they are or the nature of their business. • If you have a chain, use it when opening your door to check to see who it is. • Bogus callers may try to convince you that they need access to check something or make urgent repairs – be wary of anyone who tries to hurry you. The best practice is not to let them in. • Ask for identification – check it carefully. Don’t feel embarrassed or under pressure, genuine callers will not mind you checking their details. If you are unsure, then don’t allow anyone into your home. • When it comes to any building or gardening work you need to get done, then get several quotes from reputable firms. If you can, talk to neighbours and friends who may be able to recommend someone to you. • Be neighbourly – if you see anything suspicious telephone the police straight away. Police Scotland offers a range of free advice and assistance that will help prevent people falling victim to such crimes.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:33:12 +0000

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