BOKER TOV MISHPACHA ! GOOD MORNING FAMILY AND FRIENDS! I pray ALL is well with you! Today is Elul is the Third Day and is called Yom Shlishi.......pronounced Yom Shleeshee. What a beautiful day it is here in my little part of the world! A beautiful sun rise. We are in the week of Creation. Some say that the Creation started on Elul I have been studying it as so and that man was Created on Tishrei 1......BUT some believe the Creation started on Tishrei 1. I am just thankful for the Creation. It was and is ALL in His Hands! I praise His Holy Name! Baruch HaShem! His Word is TRUE! Some say that it is all in how we interrupt the Bible. I used to believe this also....because I believed most of what I was taught. BUT when you begin to earnestly seek Him and Him alone and your desire is so HOT to know the truth and you do not let pray and pray and pray. It is more precious to you than eating, sleeping or anything else in your life and He shows you His truth then all the teachings and doctrines, lies and deceptions of mans church fall away. Your eyes are opened are blind no more! He has revealed Himself to you. This is the beginning of knowing that there is a greater Way....His Way...The Way of G-d! It is greater that going to church, being filled with the spirit.....knowing His Way is greater than ALL THINGS! DO NOT TRUST THE WAY OF MAN BELOVED...HE HAS BEEN CHANGING THE COURSE OF MANKIND FOR THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF YEARS. THE CHURCH SYSTEM TODAY...WHETHER FROM THE CHURCH OF CONSTANTINE OR THE PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS THEY ALL STILL HOLD TO THE PAGAN WAYS OF OLD. They have not changed the doctrines much.....all the holidays are in place and the sabbath is the same...worshiping the sun. It is all there....only the people are fooled into a sense of complacency and they are led to believe they are just fine and dandy. While all the time there is a Way and it is the Way of G-d. I only can pray.....Yeshua HaMashiach show them the Way! I was not on for any length of time yesterday because I had to go to the doctor so I did not get our Elul Teshuvah Meditation posted and I believe I needed to post the first Days Meditation...(sun day)....... *September 21--26th of Elul - 2nd Day of Creation - Separation of the Waters Have you ever noticed that the last five minutes of a workout are always the hardest? Or the last minutes of anything we do? There is a dark force at play whose singular mission is to stop us from finishing the job. As you go through your day, pay attention to the moments you feel like quitting. Push yourself to go a little longer than you think you can. We recite these Thirteen Attributes of Compassion many times during the High Holidays: HaShem, HaShem, Almighty, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in kindness and truth, keeper of kindness for thousands of generations, endurer of iniquity and transgression and sin, and cleanser. (Exodus 34:6-7) We say this in the Hebrew only in a Minyan or while singing it Each one of these words is profoundly mystical and contains enormous Divine energy. The Thirteen Attributes of Compassion are described in the Zohar, the classical work of the Kabbalah, as the thirteen-petalled rose—the greatest secret of life, the key how to repair whatever is broken. Have you ever been broken? Do you feel broken now? Sometime today? Whenever you feel broken say the Thirteen attributes of Compassion. According to Talmud, HaShem told Moses: Whenever Israel sins, let them recite this and I will forgive them. The repetition of G-ds name—HaShem, HaShem—at the beginning indicates that G-d is telling us, I am the same G-d before you sin as I am after you sin and repent. This is a solemn assurance that the invocation of the Thirteen Attributes of Compassion will never be without effect. This assurance means that repentance is always possible and that G-d always awaits our return to Him. The implication is also plain that if we emulate G-ds compassionate ways, He will treat us compassionately in return. Today do an act of compassion. Can not find an act of compassion to do? Invite one of your new friends from a few days ago to a cup of soup! Or help serve in a soup kitchen which is a good place to just listen to a person who needs someone to listen to them. September 22--27th of Elul - 3rd Day of Creation - Revealment of the Earth In reality, when you hurt another person, you are really hurting yourself. Think of one person you hurt in your life – someone you were in a romantic relationship with. Feel the pain. In your mind and heart, ask the person to forgive you. If it is possible, and if it feels right, contact that person and apologize for hurting them. This entire process will remove major blockages from all of your current relationships. Today contemplate Compassion. Compassion is not a contradiction of Justice. It is true that forgiveness is part of compassion, yet it does not mean to look the other way and ignore what someone does to you. Compassion is being sensitive to the needs of the other person soul. Compassion also means extending ourselves past our comfort zone out of love for the other soul. Compassion can be cultivated. If you are a compassionate person you can be more compassionate to more people. What does it mean for you to go out of your comfort zone to be compassionate with or to another person? Record that answer. Find someone today to extend your compassion towards. Remember compassion is not feeling sorry for someone. September 23--28th of Elul - 4th Day of Creation - Sun and Moon and Stars Created Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. We allow our ego to get in the way of our success. We cling to our own opinions even when they are wrong. Like a boiling egg, we get denser and denser as someone tries to convince us otherwise. Today, practice releasing your stubbornness, your need to be right. Even when you know you are right, let it go. Today the moon was asked to diminish herself. Try to Understand the Midrash on a deeper level today. The Midrash says the moon went to God and asked How can you have 2 Kings? God said youre right; now go and diminish yourself! Ask yourself the following questions. Did God make a mistake (Has Vshalom)? Why can there not be two kings? How can you emulate the diminishment of the moon by the diminishment of your ego? How can you assist the return of the Moon (female) to her initial level so that both male and female together will grow 7 levels?* I hope you have enjoyed this journey of Teshuvah with me. It is enlightening and wonderful! Arrin looked cute today. It was Dress Crazy Day at school. This is Homecoming week at the high school and is Spirit week in ALL Belton schools! Tomorrow is Dress like a Twin Day. I suggested we get one of those soft life size dolls and attach it to her like a conjoined twin! Hey, it would work! LOL!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:54:01 +0000

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