BOLD COLORS Conservatism of Ronald Reagan vs. PALE PASTELS of the - TopicsExpress


BOLD COLORS Conservatism of Ronald Reagan vs. PALE PASTELS of the Republican establishment RINO. Kevin Fobbs writes Bold colors in conservatism is not only a mantra but it remains a battle cry as significant now as it was when Ronald Reagan first said it in 1975 when he first spoke in a video address to members of the Young Americans for Freedom. When Reagan first gave those noble words as a way of helping to chart a return path to true conservatism, he was vilified and many in the GOP establishment mocked him and many liberal media pundits cast him aside as an accidental governor of ‘California because he was a Hollywood actor. What the naysayers did not know or understand was that deep beneath Reagan’s cool veneer were a vision and alertness to the call of American destiny. Reagan did not give into the valueless moderate rhetoric RINOs embrace; but declared a renewal which touched upon the heart, soul and spirit of hard working traditional values that Americans were raised with. Conservatives soon began to understand and reject the pastel colored liberalism of moderate and RINO-type beliefs. These resurgent conservative Americans then as many do now, refused the tranquilizing drink of moderate gradualism which seeps through the veins of the timid RINO elected officials. These are the same establishment officials who only want to find the middle ground and demonize the resoluteness of conservatives like a Sarah Palin, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rand Paul, United States Senator Mike Lee, Mississippi Chris McDaniel, and yes more recently Tennessee Joe Carr. Consider what Sen. Lamar Alexander said the day after the Tennessee election, when he stated, If we really want to take the presidency in two years, were going to have to show the American people they can trust us with the government, reported Fox News. The real question is if you have a moderate U.S. senator, who voted with Obama 62 percent of the time, and voted with the senate ‘Gang of 8’ in granting amnesty to illegal aliens is that real conservative leadership? If this is the idea of trust, that embraces holding hands with other moderate GOP senators and democrat liberals, and then what is the difference between them and a democrat, besides the obvious: letter R or letter D? Now is the time to firmly grasp the meaning and the power of Ronald Reagan’s Bold Colors’ Conservatism and understand that 2014 is not the end but the beginning. Yet, there is hope as Ronald Reagan had hope for an America that does not say die. There are conservative patriots who understand that Reagan and his philosophy of bold colors was best displayed and delivered through Reaganism Reaganomics. His election over the liberalism of Jimmy Carter painted a new direction for America. Fitting into that very same conservative mold is conservative patriot Tennessean Melanie Tipton. She has viewed the Alexander pastel colored leadership and has instead chosen the vivid bold colors of Reaganomic conservatism. This is clearly demonstrated in the award winning sportscaster’s upcoming major new movie documentary “Melanie’s Journey Through Chattanoogaville” that The Conservative Campaign Committee / 1 Million People to Defeat Barack Obama is sponsoring. Tipton’s Fighting Against Obamas War On Capitalism” documentary promo which has gone viral with over a quarter of a million views, has no pastel colors presented, Instead it shows how Reaganomics can succeed with no excuses and no blame, and just plain old hard work, determination and conservative pro growth private sector enabled policies. This mega reaction reflected a hunger for Reaganism Reaganomics that is transformative and has proven to work! Bold colored conservatism shown through and through! America has the best opportunity to return to the bold colors of Reagan conservatism and each voter has the ability to exercise that electoral power in their town and right now in 2014. With Reagan’s bold colors approach, a conservative can and will show that America is not closed for repairs, but is open for business. Article written by Kevin Fobbs, a highly acclaimed journalist, who has more than 35 years of media experience and has managed state and national campaigns as well as President George W. Bush White House Initiatives, including Education, Social Security, Welfare Reform, and Faith-Based Initiatives. Read more at: examiner/article/is-america-prepared-for-ronald-reagan-s-bold-colored-conservatism-reboot-now
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 01:17:47 +0000

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