BON VOYAGE MINDS ARE LIKE PARACHUTES. THEY WORK BEST WHEN OPEN. What’s so funny about this? I’m not afraid of taking risks, but I wouldn’t call myself an “adrenaline junkie.” I generally don’t go in for death defying sports and activities, though in my youth I did do some stupid things. Probably the dumbest was trying to swim across the Nile River after spending an entire day in the sun at Luxhor, in Egypt. It was hot; I was hot, and tired, a nice little dip to cool off seemed like the perfect refresher. Only thing was that I was travelling with a couple of English cats who had been on their school swimming team. They decided to swim across the river, one doing the backstroke. I decided to join them or die trying. Well, I almost did. It took them about 20 minutes to swim across. I got tired after 10 minutes and decided to float for a bit, not realizing that the current was carrying me downstream. A half hour later, I was no closer to the other side then when I started to rest, but I was too far across to return to the beach. Luckily a boat came by and fished me out of the water, just as my legs were beginning to cramp. Another minute or two and you’d never be reading this story. It’s a good thing I kept an open mind and was willing to change it about swimming across the Nile just to prove that I could keep up. A closed mind would have ended in a closed casket. Having an open mind to the universe is the only thing that can keep any of us alive. The minute we act as if we have all the answers and know exactly how everything works is the day we’re finished. Everything changes and the only way to be ready for those changes is to keep an open mind. As the joke says, if your mind is closed like a broken parachute, then you’re going down, hard, fast and permanent. And THAT’s what’s so funny!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 21:01:50 +0000

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