BOND OF THE LYCAON CONCUBINE ~ the Lycotharian Collection By - TopicsExpress


BOND OF THE LYCAON CONCUBINE ~ the Lycotharian Collection By Talon ps and Princess so Paranormal Erotica / Shifter / MF / MFM - Menage ~~But how will I know? You will know the moment you touch his Lycaon wolf. You will feel the moon signs on your skin as clear as you see them. And he will know you by the need to leave his mark among them. I’m scared Nana. Don’t be. The bond of a Lycaon concubine is the most wondrous feeling in the world and beyond. You will glow like the moon— it’s the best feeling of love and passion one could ever have.~~ ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ TEASER: Tristan sat quiet for a long moment, it sure as hell wasn’t the fairytale story he expected to hear from her. In fact, he never expected anyone to know that story. “Well, what do you think?” She was watching him curiously. “Am I crazy for knowing such far outlandish and blandish stories?” “Certifiably. Next you’ll be telling me you love werewolf movies.” “Don’t you?” She mused playfully. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t one of the beautiful Landrakes pups.” The comment broadcasted louder than a man needed to, came from the entrance of the diner. Tristan looked up to spy two large guys just stepping in. They’d spotted Tristan right away and were making their way towards him. To call them scruffy looking was being nice. They were also big, brooding, and mischief written all over their eyes. The dark-haired of the two stepped up to the lead. Tristan right away smelled trouble and wasn’t about to get caught at a disadvantage, so he quickly pushed up to his feet, taking a guarded position next to their booth. His eyes shifted on the two men, then out through the diner front windows, spotting two more guys keeping to the other side of the street. He knew them and he knew they were bad news and not of the honest sorts either. They’d take full advantage of a sucker punch if they had the inclination to do so. Tristan sized-up the dark haired one. The man had a few inches on him and was thicker all around, but it wasn’t Tristan’s first encounter with them. He knew the darker-haired man by the name of Wilks and though Tristan lacked in size, he had them both on skill, speed and years experience of fighting and survival. He met the Wilks’ gaze, dark eyes peering out from bushy brows daring Tristan to give him an excuse. His thin lips hidden under a mustache and beard, twitched. “Tell me pup, how is it the Landrakes always manage to look so pretty?” Wilks drew out the last few words and even dared to touch a strand of Tristan’s hair a moment; bending the ends in his fingers before letting it drop. Tristan let out a slight huff, “Better breeding, I suppose.” The man glanced at Raina and curled his lip in a mischievous smile, “I see what you mean.” It triggered a serious response out of Tristan as he bulked up and stepped in to face Wilks off squarely, “Don’t even think about it.” “You’re out of your league pup.” Wilks huffed at him, his shifty eyes tempting him to accept the challenge. “And you’re off your turf.” Tristan settled on a warning instead. “And this is neutral grounds.” The guy behind Wilks, sporting a buzz-cut with trimmed beard, chimed in. “Then best you see it stays that way.” Tristan made no submission as he met his glance as well, his expression darkening against the two men as they continued on past him and took over the last booth. Tristan tossed some money down on the table, “We should probably go.” He tried to contain his concerns as he glanced at her. “Where there’s two there’s more. They always travel in packs.” amazon/Lycaon-Concubine-Lycotharian-Collection-ebook/dp/B00B05LN82/ barnesandnoble/w/bond-of-the-lycaon-concubine-talon-ps/1114303680?ean=2940044241657 https://allromanceebooks/product-bondofthelycaonconcubine-1041209-340.html
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 23:19:17 +0000

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