BONOFA/CUBE7 - COMPANY DETAILS Bonofa/ Cube 7 is based out of - TopicsExpress


BONOFA/CUBE7 - COMPANY DETAILS Bonofa/ Cube 7 is based out of Germany and they have spent the last 14-15 months and already spent 8-9 Million USD on creating what they hope to become the largest and most user friendly social networking platform that the internet has ever seen in the form of Cube7. From the company’s point of view, they are not interested in making their m0ney from this platform per say but their ultimate goal and intention is to build this platform over the next 4 years and go IPO in 2017 where they will take this to the stock market and stand to make billions. To accomplish this the company needs our help and of course are willing to c.ompensate us handsomely. Like I said, millions have already been spent by the company and they will spend millions more as they back themselves to pull this off and have the resources to do so. The company has already employed 33 programmers who are working on this project full time and they intend to have 60 programmers involved before the official launch of Cube 7 . Bonofa is the business aspect of the program and will include all of those looking to make m0ney from this o.pportunity and Cube 7 is the actual platform that will comprise primarily of users who want to be able to do everything that they can do on all of the other social media platforms ( FB, Twitter,LinkedIn etc, etc ) all from one single and dominant platform. Bonofa officially launches on April 7th 2013 and Cube 7 will launch on July 7th with a big bang. Social media is huge on the internet and Cube 7 is set to dominate this space. Every single affiliate who joins Bonofa right now will be a CO-OWNER and 40% of the shares of the company will go to the affiliates when this goes IPO. 80% of all profits made from anything on the Cube7 platform will be paid to the Bonofa Affiliate. The owners don’t need to make m0ney from the platform or the marketers as they will make all of their m0ney from the IPO so that you can be assured that they will put everything into this venture for the next couple of years so that they can receive their just rewards at that time. The key here is that every single aspect of the Cube 7 platform is m.onetized so there is tremendous m0ney to be made here AND no one can join Cube 7 without signing up through a bonofa Affiliate. WHAT EXACTLY IS CUBE 7 AND HOW WILL WE BENEFIT ? Cube 7 will be a state of the art platform that revolves around the 5 biggest trends online and allows Bonofa business affiliates to m.onetize every aspect of this platform. Cube 7 would encompass I well designed platform that includes Communication, Shopping, Online Gaming, Entertainment and Mobile Apps all in one easy to use platform. The Cube 7 communication will launch you receive: >>> Facebook like stuff ( adding friends etc ) >>> Chat like Skype ( video calling) >>> Screen sharing >>> Webinar platform >>> Video Emails When your friends add you or you add your friends on the platform you automatically go on each others lists...This is a POWERFUL LIST BUILDING FEATURE This is their complete CRM data management system with List building, Auto responder and extensive tracking features. There is no limit on the number of friends that you can add ( some have thousands from FB and twitter that they will be bringing over ) and no limit on the amount of messages/video emails that can be sent. The company p.ays out on a whopping 6 generations of friends. Anything anyone p.urchases down 6 generations of friends from the totally m.onetized Cube 7 platform....YOU GET P.AID !!! The Cube 7 shopping will go live in October 2013. Because of the fact that the company’s sole purpose is to build this platform and make their m0ney from the IPO, users of Cube7 will be able to brand name stuff that they would normally outside anyway at a 10% discount through the platform and affiliates e.arn on each and every p.urchase made. The company will be issuing a very special BONUS OFFER of a f.ree 80 Euro Voucher that will be used as a powerful marketing tool. This voucher will be given away to every new person who joins your friend network and can be used towards a 10% discount on the platform.....Anyone who accepts your friend request get’s this voucher. The Cube 7 Gaming aspect already has 108 games loaded with MANY more to come....All will be available at below average p.ricing to entice members to join and use the platform. The Cube 7 Entertainment aspect would see Cube 7 users being able to download music and films at a fraction of the c.ost anywhere else....Again, any p.urchases made from anyone in your network and YOU GET P.AID !! The Cube 7 Mobile Apps industry is thriving right now and Cube7 will be offering many different apps at a fraction of the c.ost found elsewhere and would provide many of the options that other programs are providing. WHAT EXACTLY IS BONOFA AND HOW CAN WE BENEFIT? Bonofa is the Marketing Arm of Cube 7 and people can only get into Cube7 though Bonofa affiliates / Business members. To become a Business Affiliate you need to 1. P.ay a registration of $29.90 Euro which would allow you first months access to the BAIO ( Business All In One ) centre which will be your control centre that will allow you total marketing and tracking facilities of all members that you bring into your downline...This is a must have for all business builders. 2. You select from one of the three packages “ Premium : One-time fee of $299 Euro Exclusive : One-time fee of $949.90 Euro VIP : One-time fee of $2490 Euro Of course each level has different benefits that can be found viewed on the presentation document. 1. You maintain your monthly BAIO package at $29.90 Euro a month ( This is optional but necessary for all those who are building a business in Bonofa. Note: Whatever the c.ost of your membership level, you actually get this amount towards a voucher for you to be able to use on the you get your m0ney back in savings from various p.urchases. An ABS system is part of Bonofa’s marketing system which sends out video presentations on the program and follow up emails to all of your prospects for 6 weeks. Every package receives what is called DOT COM POINTS and these dotcom points will actually be your ticket to part of that 40% share of the company when it goes IPO ( Initial Public Offering on the Stock Exchange ) in 2017 Premium members get 10,000 dot com points, Exclusive members receive 50,000 dot com points and VIP members receive 200,000 dot com points. In addition, extra ( cumulative dot com points ) are received by Exclusive and VIP members and joining new friends to Cube7 also gains all affiliates more dotcom points. 40 Billion dot com points will be distributed in total and these can then be redeemed in 2017 for some serious C.ASH!! VIP members in addition receive a 1% share of all of Bonofa’s turnover worldwide for life. OK, SO WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE DEALING WITH HERE ? You have the o.pportunity to join the next big multi-faceted social media platform that would basically combine everything that anyone is interested in online and m.onetizes it so that you get p.aid in a variety of different ways. Anyone wanting in on this platform has to come through an affiliate and the company makes it extremely easy to invite thousands of friends to this with a special BONUS INCENTIVE to have users join the Cube 7 platform for f.ree and use the platform. As you invite more and more friends and they do the same, anyone in 6 levels of friends who p.urchase an app, downloads a movie or film, utilizes the gaming platform or shops online through the platform e.arns you money. This is just brilliant and can/will be highly lucrative for those who take action and see the potential in this o.pportunity. As the platform builds and goes viral , just like the company has planned, they will be in a position to go to the stock exchange in 4 years time where they will then make their huge chunk of change ( millions or even billions ) at that time and we get to split a 40% share of that depending on how many dot com points we each accumulate by that time. Also, as affiliates, we can build a massive list and network, which is much sort after, as well as build our downlines in Bonofa itself where we can enjoy no fewer than 6 different streams of i.ncome. HOW CAN PASSIVE PEOPLE WHO DON’T WANT TO/CANNOT REFER OTHERS BENEFIT ? Well firstly I have already accumulated a list of leaders who will all be building the business end of this with me and we will collectively be building this in a structured way as the comp plan dictates that the best approach is 3 under 3. So even those who are not looking to actively get downline members will get 3 direct referrals placed under then. But ignoring that, there are 3 other ways for a passive member to e.arn here ( or I should say semi-passive ) >>> P.urchase a package and wait for your dot com point to be redeemable when the company goes IPO....Yes this is of course a long term i.nvestment but if/when it happens you will receive a nice slice of the pie ( I am sure if this amount is worked out over the time period, it will still work out to be more than some of you would have made if you put the same m0ney into a HYIP...and probably a lot safer too ) >>> You can also invite friends, which is not hard to do, as you are getting people to join for f.ree and they even get a $80 Euro bonus just for doing so ...This e.arns you even more dot com points. >>> All the friends that you get to join Cube7 for f.ree and all of their friends down 6 levels will allow you to e.arn on any and everything that ANY of these people p.urchase while on the Cube7 platform...This can be very profitable and estimates put this at even in the thousands monthly. >>> If you become a VIP member you do nothing yet e.arn a 1% share of the total company’s worldwide profits....Again, this can/will be a huge o.pportunity. WHAT’S IN IT FOR THE BUSINESS BUILDER / RECRUITER? LOTS....... Apart from the state-of-the-art tools, list building, marketing, tracking and follow up system that we will all receive to easily build our business in Bonofa and our friends network in Cube7, we will also enjoy 6 different I.ncome Streams: 1. First Order Bonus (10% commissions on any package p.urchased by a downline member ) 2. Fast Start Bonus (After making 3 sales and becoming Team Manager, you will benefit from 12 generations of overrides. Any p.urchase made from anyone down 12 levels in your downline and you make a commissions...HUGE !! 3. Team Bonus-Residual ( You e.arn 5% on all of the monthly BAIO p.urchases made by anyone in your downline...6 levels deep. 4. Infinity Bonus 5. Car + Lifetime Bonus 6. Cube 7 residuals ( e.arn on the p.urchases of anything from the Cube7 platform down 6 levels of friends )
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 23:28:58 +0000

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