BOOK 2: NEW Excerpt from the New Book “Left Behind After The - TopicsExpress


BOOK 2: NEW Excerpt from the New Book “Left Behind After The Rapture” Collection of the LORD’s Letters from this past year: Available free at this weblink: Kindle: amazon/Left-Behind-After-Rapture-ebook/dp/B00BJ482V0 Smashwords: https://smashwords/books/view/288087 Words of the LORD: “The world is crumbling. It is coming apart. I am pulling MY Hand away.” (The following letter was given by the LORD to Susan at the request of a church in Africa that wanted a message from the LORD for their service, October 26, 2012) I am ready to give you Words: The world is crumbling. It is coming apart. I am pulling MY Hand away. I am retreating from the earth releasing MY Hand of Protection. I am giving back to the powers that rule the earth those who refuse to follow ME. I am allowing them to be seized by MY enemy’s control because the people have turned their backs to ME and hardened their hearts. They have refused to follow their LORD and continue to turn away to the world. Soon, I am coming to the claim the wife I have earned. I paid her bridal price. I paid it all. It was a steep price. She has been worth it and I would do it all over again, but MY Blood spilt on the cross is powerful and covers all sin for sinners who repent and submit their lives in FULL to ME: FULL submission, repentance, and ask to be filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and to exchange your life for the indwelling of MY SPIRIT. You must know, MY children, that this world cannot be sustained by MY enemy, his ways, and by evil men running wild unchecked by a HOLY GOD. Yet this is what so many ascribe to believe. Their downfall is sure if they continue in this line of thinking. I am ready to bring new life to all those who want it. I bring eternal life to all those who suffer from the pain and sorrow of a dying world detached from a HOLY GOD. No good can come from separating from the Love of GOD. Your hour is short for making things right with ME. Take heed: I am not a GOD who can be trifled with. The world is promoting a brand of evil I cannot tolerate any longer.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 06:16:44 +0000

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