BOOK 40 THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. There are brothers who send - TopicsExpress


BOOK 40 THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. There are brothers who send me your comments wondering in their language, and I ask to be translated into Castilian so I can understand what they ask me I read it and give you the answer. one THIS IS THE COMMENT TO PUT ON FACEBOOK. You do not have to pay a weight to Jesus Christ heal you, the already paid the price, more than 2,000 years ago, what you have to do is believe. If there is an offering or giving financially to love, to support the preaching so that we can continue to publicize the kingdom of God, for it is offerings and expenses, because we are not yet glorified bodies. Galatians 6: 6-10. On this I will reply: But beware, because why the greedy and conceited that are most exploit the congregation who comes to seek God and they give crumbs to feed themselves taking care to reserve the grosa part of what you says my sister. After saying that God blesses leave it to them, but they do not give anything just received and everything to me, and everything to me, for that I am the pastor and God blesses me. 2 I ask these double-minded, if they know the Lord Jesus as he wants everyone to know him as he is. BECAUSE SOME GAVE TO READ BIBLE PASSAGES AND TOLD THIS STEP BY STEP. Visit where it says put it in Spanish language. The cloud? 1 Corinthians. 10: 1-4 leviticus 16: 2 Number. 9: 13-23 31:15 Deuteromy Exodus 13 & 14. Genesis 9: 9-17. SO YOU SENT ME. STEP BY STEP INTERPRETATION. TRANSLATED CASTILIAN. This means: 1 Corinthians. 10: 1 to 4; Leviticus. 16: 2; Numbers. 9:13 to 23; Deuteronomy. 31:15; Exodus. 13 and 14; Genesis. 9: 9 to 17. Very good that teaching, for the people of Israel and not to the Gentiles, because why Paul writes to the Corinthians, is to let them know that Jesus Christ was already at work with the people of Israel long ago it was submitted his people as Messiah and only Saviour, Saviour and Lord and God, recognized by all who believed him then when they saw him risen. three Tomas was one of them if he would not put his fingers in the holes that the nails had made him and his hand on the side where the spear smote him. This Tomas did not believe he was resurrected, but Jesus being of feet in front of him, he says: see Tomas hits your fingers on my hands and on my side I am. Now the nations of which we are, we have no need for the gentleman to show us and them because we believed by faith that He is our Lord and God. In Leviticus. 16: It was a warning that the Lord gave Aaron, to keep out behind the veil, because he would be present in a cloud and Aaron could die. Now we all have free entrance behind the veil to go for the Lord opened our way for anyone who believes in him might be saved. 4 Lets look what happened to a religious man who persecuted the church of the Lord Jesus. This man called Saul of Tarsus going from road to Damascus, he was met by Jesus and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for thee to sew against the pricks, and this was to see who was speaking to him but could not see. Raising his voice he said to Jesus, Lord, Who are you? and the Lord said, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. Then Saul said to the Lord: What do you want me to do Lord? The Lord told him what to do and this is up from the ground and opening his eyes saw nothing, with the brightness of the Lord had gone blind, was not killed by the Lord because he had come to save that which was lost and also what we need to announce the Gospel to all nations. 5 What he says in Numbers, here is the celebration of Easter. Number. 9.13 to 23. WELL THIS WAS TO CELEBRATE EASTER THAT WAS ONLY IF THE JEWS WERE SOME GENTLE WITH THEM SHOULD THEY DO THE SAME. Now is not it, for the Passover and celebrated once and for all, since it introduced the Lamb slain to save us all on the day and established by God, and that was the lamb that we present as a sacrificial lamb for our sins forgiven and erased forever, and in that way so we can freely enter the holy place, just in the name of Jesus our personal savior. We need not be remembering the Passover to do it, for he has already complied once forever. 6 In both Exodus and Deuteronomy, the Lord appeared as he is in the cloud, but it was the name of the Lord, and that name was not the one who use to come to save his people, as he used the name that is above all names, Jesus, which translated means: (Salvador) Cause Ill come and save my people. Here in Genesis God pactaba with Moses and all the people always cloud. Now when the Lord went to heaven, he went into the cloud as always used to stand for Moses already a disobedient and gainsaying people. When I return every eye will see Him. Jesus Christ alone is Lord and God. In all in Castilian, amen. 7 In the facebook showed me a big children with their teacher singing group the Lord. Afrikaans were all in the jungle. Actually Ive never seen so many children together praising the Lord, I was compelled to write to them. My glorify the Lord Jesus our God brothers. Ive heard sing these children and I rejoiced greatly and seeing that child and those brave sons who were with them my heart was in a state of uncontrollable emotion. I was compelled to write this to understand that the only Lord of glory to which we must worship is that we hope to come back as promised. If we understood the writings that give us religious, because they have brought us these few books in one to teach everyone in the writings also know who the Lord Jesus. All written accommodated in a book and divided into two, one is the Old Testament and one in the New Testament. 8 These two wills are united in a book called Bible. Because Bible means library, many books have been written for all disciples of Jesus, and they count as the Spirit gave them remember what Jesus had taught them to each according what they had to write, but those writings are somewhere . But there is a secret that God has saved their children and were released Jeremiah. 31:31 to 34, this is already being announced by mouths of the disciples of the disciples who gave their first lines to read and reading to others they hear them and faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Not only what is written on paper but its worth believing the Lord Jesus when he spoke through Jeremiah, when we said in that day, talking about the day that Jesus went to heaven, since then it satisfies the Jeremiah said, I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. 9 That my brother is already in place and no one has noticed in understanding what this message brought by Jeremiah is the real message, as the law of God is His Word, and puts every mind who believes the Lord Jesus and also writes in every heart and is revealed by the Holy Spirit to all who receive the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. But if you just read and do not understand what we read and someone sent from God explains the meaning of written, surely the same Spirit will give them the knowledge to understand the writings, and that is hearing the Word of mouth of the saints. Many times when you are praying, someone gets up and goes to another person who is foreign and who addresses her knows nothing of the language of that foreign person, and gives a message by the Spirit in the language of this person understands and she receives it. 10 This is speaking in the Spirit also the Word of God, not only because it is written on paper, because the Spirit knows who has already been put in mind and has written in the heart of that which brings the message to other languages, as there is no doubt that it was the Spirit of God who would speak through the mouth of a holy God. To confirm this, it received the Word in their own language has to confirm what the Spirit of God said. And if it means and why it is a very serious matter. That does not say it was for him the message. But if he says saved his soul, for more serious the problem is present the Spirit of God interceding for every listener in that place. I witnessed what happened to a Turk. This Turkish was at the door where they gathered to pray the brothers and suddenly a brother rises speaking in other language, this brother said things that nobody understood and interpreted there was not, but it turns out that the door was a curious outsiders who saw the brothers talking and yelling in other languages he was poking be spent with much noise. 11 And surprise, this brother was talking to who was at the door in their own language, such was the surprise to see the Turk was telling him all this brother spoke, steam rushes forward and enters all brothers and says this, pointing to the brother who was saying things, and says this is speaking to me in my language and has everything that God was telling him. Well at that time was a great joy among the assembled brethren, as this steam and is incorporated in the group of siblings. I will say that this brother was talking to Turkish and Turkish knew nothing, and only know how to speak in the native language Castilian with what has been taught. Now do not thirst to meet in a church called four walls. I do not want to comment on this and the comment I leave to you. 12 Well I have been called to invite everyone to the wedding of the Lamb. A escaping from places all over the hills around the world to invite to the wedding feast of the Lamb and if possible to force ex to come. You must fill out the guest house. Well the food is in abundance and drink too. For now the kingdom of heaven is food and drink and no more, amen. You must be born of water and the Spirit in Jesus name. Repentant for the kingdom of heaven is in your midst. I really, to do the work Im doing, because I had to know Jesus first but not going to announce who he was. 13 Because I could not talk to someone you do not know, I must first know and whenever I meet him, talk to him. Sight not know him personally because at the time I was asking him not yet known as he wants you all to know him, because if you truly have to see with my eyes I was afraid that no matter what happened to him Paul before Paul. Ive been born again in Jesus name both in water and in the Spirit and that I continue in faith believing him as my only Lord and God. I do not speak in the pulpits, do not do meetings as is customary, I am not a preacher of large crowds as apparently some are, Im just a minister of Christ Jesus who writes books and their author is Jesus Christ. Ive already written forty books and keep writing can someone understand their meaning and accept the invitation to come and Im doing to everyone. 14 Come as they are, do not look at what conditions is just what I give you is an invitation to come and do not remain in that house with the woman who came and to come to the new house. All are invited to the wedding of the Lamb. Come and be there to fill the guest house. The food is prepared and is in abundance and drink well, not missing if they enter the marriage of the Lamb, come not put excuses, may arrive in time before the door is closed and can not enter more than anyone. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. WRITER: RODOLFOJOSÉ LONIGRO. Made of ZARAGOZA-SPAIN. YEAR: 2014 MAIL: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:10:14 +0000

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