BOOK 65 THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. THE REAL FOOD EAT FRESH AND NO boiled, A DRINK IS FRESH AND HEALTHY BABY. one Food to which I refer is the fresh food that is the body of Christ, and drink the blood of Jesus which is what we all must drink if we live eternally with him, it is the Holy Spirit. As we eating their meat is His Word, and drinking his blood is the Holy Spirit, we draw on all the power, and if we are nourished by his Word and his Spirit, our soul is nourished well for sanctification and so to enter the kingdom of heaven, and see our Lord and God. If we eat well this is good food and good drink, will walk always strong in faith and hope in Christ, but if we do not feed us well we will be stunted, helpless, without knowledge, without hope, though say all is well. 2 Ill tell my dear readers, that as in all previous to this book, I made them know who to talk to someone like this saso the Lord Jesus, we must first know the Lord Jesus, and speak face to face with him . If someone is interested in knowing Jesus and wants to talk to him face to face, you have to be interested and seek wholeheartedly, not sien case has to be certain it will find, and once found, talking with him, which he made known to you as he is, and who he really is, and already tell you, if he disclosed to you as he is, will see the difference, because it is not the Lord as religious have told us, it is real and alive and wants everyone to know them as he is, and who he is. In all the previous books in this is I have made known who Jesus is Lord and God. three Now I stretch them a little more this knowledge, that already at this point in all this, it becomes a reality in your life, before the Lord comes, not as some know who the Lord Jesus. If you already have some knowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, this knowledge must grow up knowing who he really is. Ill tell them to make it grow we obey what the Spirit of His Word says. We must be born again, not as religious tell us but as Jesus tells us, the new birth is achieved in his name, in the baptism of water and the Holy Spirit to be with him. 4 How is born again? What must we do to be born again? Jesus left us his example, when he went to John the Baptist to be baptized in water that do not want to baptize, because he said I should be baptized by you, and you come to me, let Juan is necessary to keep the whole law, and he baptized him. So the old nature with which we have come from woman to be born with a new consciousness to God, and then left the water receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus the two baptisms are received for it you die. We can also see that Jesus told a teacher of the law, this is named Nicodemus, Jesus replied: You must be born again, and this and did not understand the message of what Jesus said, then Jesus took him to repeat again what he had said earlier, and Jesus said again, verily, verily I say that you must be born of water and the Spirit. John. 3: 1 to 12 5 If each of those interested in wanting to enter the kingdom of heaven and be sanctified, and have free entry and see the face of Jesus, will have to do this step, born again in Jesus name for him, and so expect his coming, for all born again on its behalf which will receive when he comes in the cloud. They all bear his name and not titles, as it was presented with his name and not the titles, titles are titles, but he has a name that has manifested his people, because first he was from the cloud as father, and then promised to come to his people personally for his people knew him, saw him, and brought his name that would be recognized by all because he was the I, I am who I am. 6 Juan was announced, when he baptized and then did John in his book. John. 1: 1 to 5 and John. 1: 8 to 13. The same did the prophets and all the servants of God bearing witness who he was coming to save her people. This same Lord and God told Moses that he alone would front of him and see him only his back, because nobody as a common man can see his face and live to tell the tale. This same Lord and God now called Jesus came to this world as John said in his book. John. 1: 1 to 5 and John. 1: 8 to 13. This same Lord and God, on one occasion took three of his disciples into the desert and there he transformed his clothes in bright white and the Lord God called Jesus was talking with Moses and Elijah, that they tell the disciples that they were what I saw was John, James and Peter. 7 Question: Do these disciples of Jesus, perhaps knew Moses and Elijah? They wrote and told it, what they saw Moses and Elijah and Jesus conversing with them. If we put a little attention to this story than what they tell us we have to do that Moses and Elijah, they were watching them, look Moses alone in life when the world was leading the people to a better land he only saw Jesus the back Nomás now is that Moses saw the face of Jesus without problem as the disciples saw Jesus without realizing them that they too were in the Spirit, so they saw Moses and Elijah. You know why Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus? Ill give you a hint, so that this question remains unanswered. 8 In Revelation, it says that men come two of the servants of God and make the same signals as they did when they were on earth. These two men prophesy and will follow their signals, and tormented men who are on earth. But men get caught and hanged in a square to be seen by everyone and so everyone can make fun of them, but once already dead the third day enter into them and will be raised to heaven, going out of their sight . I will say that it is necessary that these two men should die die every going to be saved by Jesus. No one will enter heaven if not sanctified by the Lord, all must die, for no flesh blood will enter the kingdom of heaven. 9 Only enter sanctified because they are born of God and God again. So must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of heaven in the name of Jesus. I will say that is not enough to be baptized with one baptism, one must receive two baptisms in the name of Jesus to be with him. A baptism in water for the forgiveness of sins and there is born to God with a new consciousness, and one baptism that is to receive the Holy Spirit, the water is to forgive sins and rebirth to God and Spirit baptism is to blot out our sins were forgiven, representing the blood of Jesus which is what washes and cleanses us and sanctifies us to make us holy to enter the kingdom of heaven, and the two baptism is received in the name of Jesus, to be with him. 10 So far we have progressed very little of who Jesus is. We begin to see the verse John, who has previously have read it and tell us writes: Juan. 1: 1 to 5. It reads verse 1: E n the beginning was the Word, Why do you say it was? And continues: And the Word was with God, How that the Word was with God? Does anyone understand this? If it sierro here this, they will never understand, and their minds will wander in darkness, when I walked once before meeting the Lord Jesus and know who he Sure I read this passage and gave vent to what religious told me, but I never quite remember what they told me, I determined to know what was the Word first. The first thing to know what is the Word. 11 Sure that we will know for sure that is an expression of something, something expressed, and we understand that it is also wisdom, (Word) Now we aremos the question, What is sanity? Sure we say that sanity is an expression given by wisdom, (Life), and we have enough to understand material that the Word is alive, and the two things go together Word and Life in the Spirit. To understand who Jesus are explaining this. The Word that was in the beginning and that was with God and the Word was God. (Creator) When the Spirit you will begat wisdom (Word), and sanity, (Life), from there began to be God (Creator). Proverbs. 8:12 to 14 and 8:22 to 36. 12 God himself said he came to this world to save his people, and that everyone would know his name and he would be seen, of course it was not much beauty to be seen, he was one among the men he had created. This same Lord and God in his Word the monster in the womb of a woman through his Holy Spirit, and this child would be Immanuel, God with us, and Joseph betrothed to Mary was told that he should put the name of Jesus because he will save his people. Well I hope you understand what Im writing them step by step, because we have to come to the knowledge of who Jesus is. We must understand that what God said: I do not know any God created, before me, now or will be in the future, I am God sole creator of all, I had no one to consult when I was ordering everything. 13 I came and gave my life for the redemption of all, I sent my Word in flesh for all to have subjected her, and she returned bringing me off. What god will match me? I know no one. If we understood God worked from the cloud as a parent and then came a son, (Word made flesh), and is now working through His Holy Spirit in favor of those who are doing saved him when he comes to take the they have their name and they are the ones who invoke his name, when they see coming in the cloud, in the same cloud that went spiraling out of human sight. He is the only Lord God, and not invent two gods, not three gods, because one Lord and His name is Jesus, no more than he savior. 14 There is not two or three people in his divinity, he is unique to us has created us and given us own reason for us to worship and glorify Him on this earth, if we do what he says he sure gives us eternal life and we will be with him for eternity, that bear his name, as this mortal body will be an immortal body and continue worshiping where he is we will be us. The land we now see the sky disappear and also the Lord will do again and go to that place all who hope in his name, there will rejoice with him. Ill tell you that no religious will have to enter the kingdom of heaven, unless such leave religion and come to the wedding of the Lamb, Jesus Christ is waiting there to fill the house the food is ready and drink too. 15 Well tell you that the house is very large and you have to fill it, coming soon, do not stay in this world where the elements will be melted and no longer find this land and neither heaven will be more, because our God will make everything new, and where it will all be with him again, the earth and the sky will be no more, my eternal Word will not happen. NOTE: In the next book Im not against anyone just want to know the same thing I know, is to know the only Lord God and Saviour Jesus called us. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. AUTHOR: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. WRITTEN IN SPAIN. Date Created, 2014. Email: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 02:01:42 +0000

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