BOOK 66th THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU UNDERSTAND MANY THINGS. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. one You need to understand that not going against anyone but I dedicate me to know who Jesus is my savior, and as it is called, of course many are offended, because I tell you the real name of our Creator and Lord and God called Jesus. I will say that if you do not believe me Ive written them in books, at least when search the scriptures, with a purpose of why scrutinized, as I watched most the scrutinizing not to know who the Lord and God and know his name. I hope you do not mind Im going to tell them, because most seek in the writings where he says about money and offerings and the tithes and other things that have no value for the salvation of the soul. Salvation is knowing how to find the savior of our souls, once we found him must worship in Spirit and truth. 2 Forgive pastors, not me says the Lord our God, and tells you, listen carefully, because he has spoken through the prophet Ezekiel and no excuses. Ezekiel. 34: 1 to 31. It is for you, God bless you, Jesus Christ is the only pastor, the others are employees and their pay have it here and in heaven have no reward. Amen. Pastors give him feed the fresh pasture sheep and drink and do not give him food residues and wastes, and contaminated and stagnant water. Shepherds feed the sheep with good pasture and water from the spring to life and not to fatten kill you because the pastor of pastors and has everyone in its sights, and pay them each as they deserve, Amen. three Ill tell you that nobody will be without charge, and soon comes to pay and comes with its award to reward every man according to his work. Revelation. 22:12 15. This is what Jesus said and wrote Juan. John. 10: 1 to 18 and 10:25 to 30. In verse 30 Jesus said: I and the Father are one. (He said that two or three, one) Spirit, Word and Life. Does this same Lord who said these things is not the same as work today? Look in Mark. 6:30 to 44. To you I speak shepherds;They believe that this same Jesus that made with five loaves and two fishes 5000 people not counting children or women and twelve sestas leftover pieces will feed! Would not it be done today? Why are mindful of the money is nothing, and do not put on the Lord Jesus? 4 Where is your faith? Where did you put it? Surely in the money, perhaps at that time had no money, of course he had, but you are wandering the purposes of God and you are not subject to the Spirit of God, seek all that is fantasy and deceive the sheep, taking away what little they have and not leaving or wool. At that time what happens I had no where to buy both bread and many fish to feed so many people, and see who is the true shepherd who gives the sheep to eat or who removes the sheep food their mouths. What I will say about the miracles that the Lord does with those who are saved and do you believe him because he is your Lord and savior God, and his name is Jesus. Not like the fanciful miracles that make us these pastors of pure labels appear. 5 I met a woman who was in a coma and the doctor and his role brought him death because for him that morning and would have to be dead, but the husband of this desperate woman watching his wife was leaving this world came to the street and the first thing he saw was a vendor selling these things to cook and needles and other goodies, but the approach towards this man knew who was his friend evangelical this man in desperation asked if he could pray to the Gospel by his wife because the doctor was about to get to bring the role of dysfunction as for the doctor and would have killed his patient, but to get this Gospel brought by the husband of the woman who was in a coma to pray for her. 6 East to get to the door of the house threw his suitcase and all materials had to sell scattered in the yard of the house that was a humble house, because they were poor, at home all relatives were waiting for who said he was already dead, but this evangelical entering the house told everyone who believes that the Lord Jesus will raise this woman who is in agony between me and pray for her and no one dared to enter where was this woman, because only I accompanied the husband of this woman and sawing the room door fell down on his knees and prayed to his God, saying, Lord Jesus Christ behold this woman I pray that your will be done on it if you want to heal can I ask you in Jesus name amen. This man stands up and says to the woman who was already looking woman Jesus Christ heals arise. 7 And she was very weak because neither eating nor drinking anything, was in the past, but this man again said woman to you I say Arise Lord Jesus has healed you, and she made the attempt to get up and this man I hit a shout extraordinary giving order to rise because the Lord Jesus had already healed and told him to get dressed and she dressed and getting out of bed went outside almost powerless and everyone was looking at what moment he fell dead, but it did not fall dead as he walked to the kitchen because he was hungry and coming to the kitchen was a pit that had cooked rice and she ate and then saw there were many people and made them kill heated water and went to serve you kill them all, in that the doctor arrives and saw the patient was up and cebándole kill all, because as the doctor expecting his death the Lord of lords he lifted healthy bed, but the doctor did not deceive anyone for that is doctor and knows when someone is about to die. 8 Then the doctor tells the woman back to bed because I had to check and she tells him: Doctor, Im really bad? And the doctor found that she was completely healthy, and asked the woman what had happened and she told him that the Lord Jesus came and told him to get up because he had already healed, and the doctor told her only the Lord Jesus can do this and you have the heart of a young girl. So this doctor broke her role as death and left. This woman God handed him another 40 years of life and then took her. I witness that because I met her, because it was my mother whom God raised it when she was in agony of death. This pastors story because Im sick of seeing so many pastors pastors are titled and are nothing, as are birds of prey, pastors themselves to see who can get more money in a campaign or a marathon graze of scoundrels. 9 Also my dear pastors tell you that this poor man without wisdom because he could not read or write, but was rich the richest of all and was the wisest of all because he had what most pastors do not have it was the Lord Jesus within it in your heart, and do not even know but talk about him without fear, for them all the Lord Jesus forgives. Now pastors and preachers invent cures to catch the faint of heart and reduce it to a piece of bread to eat them first and then deliver it to the devil for the devil to shake them more of what they have left. But I will say that the Lord has asked everyone and no one will escape. Amen. I do not want to get me pastors just tell the truth, because I know the Lord Jesus and I make them know so that we all know him as he should be known by all. 10 Jesus is my Lord and Savior and he dwells within the heart, because thats why you bought it and its temple of His Spirit and so I take care until he takes me. I am not from any religious I am of Christ Jesus because He is my Lord and God. Positively that all religious are carnal and only think about how to acquire money for their pleasures pollutants because they are idolaters, and no idolater will enter the kingdom of heaven, because to enter the kingdom of heaven is going to be holy and pure without contamination of meat. Everyone should listen to the Holy Spirit tells us through His Word that is Jesus Christ if we enter the kingdom of heaven. 11 Everyone talks about God, and many insult without knowing, these who do these things because God does not take into account at all, are unfruitful trees, clouds without water, and the devil drives like a puppet handled with threads, and it seems that they like the devil made them that. Everyone I tell you equally, try your enemy is Satan the devil does not play with you, and free yourselves if you can from him and come to Christ Jesus is the only one who can save and give eternal life to which you want so . Put an end to the taunts of the devil, and you are a new creation in Jesus name. John. 3: 1 to 12. I love like Jesus loves me, so I say what I say. You save yourselves and try to save others. 12 Serving the Lord Jesus that he is the one who can give us everything and not money. Look what they told the disciples to Jesus Marcos. 6:34 to 36. And Jesus said this: Mark 6:37 38. Jesus Finding it very difficult to feed so many people took pity on them and told his disciples that will accommodate one hundred and fifty over green herbs: Marcos. 36:39 43. Pastors and readers understand what I write. Amen. Elisha also performed this miracle but with a hundred men: 2 Kings. 4:42 to 44. Does God no longer responds by your hand that dried Let believers who expect to receive anything from God? Until Cundo pastors!Enough! Bring no more curse upon curse upon you. 13 Conocedme says the Lord and repent of heart and I will receive you, because there is no other God besides Me savior and forgive sins and sanctify. Ill tell them if they are guided by the law of the letter that was brought by angels you are dead but fulfill without fail in any thing that she says, because if you fail in it will condemn to death, and no mercy you. Paul tells us the purpose of the law. Galatians. 25 and Galatians 3:19. 3:26 to 29. This Paul wrote to the Galatians is what every book ever written is theve been saying, Christ Jesus lives and everyone is invited to the wedding of the Lamb. Revelation. 19: 7 to 11. 14 Please I love you, but the novelty is medicine for the soul, and penetrates to the marrow of bones. It is important to read Acts. 7:51 to 53, these words the Holy Spirit spoke through Esteban Israel and say this: You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your father, and you. This is for the builders of temples made with human hands, we read in Acts. 7:44 50 I invite you all to come to the wedding of the Lamb, Jesus is waiting for you, let all that does not work and come as Christ Jesus already has the door still open until it until the last gentle and then the door SERRARA inside and will not enter anyone else. Amen. NOTE. Visit the page RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. Jesus Christ loves them. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. AUTHOR: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. Made in SPAIN. Creation year. 2014. Posts: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 02:04:21 +0000

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