BOOK 68 ° THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. AUTHOR: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. Email: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo one JESUS CHRIST IS ONE GOD. WHAT I REALLY KNOW HOW IS IT AND HE WAS PRESENTED AS HE IS. CLEAR THAT IS ALIVE. Some disfigure it as being this or that, but he is one God. Have I no human reading the writings and understand what it says? Well Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. What word written on paper or a man who is used by God is speaking to the churches, by the Spirit of God, they must know the Lord Jesus as he really is? He who is born again is recognizing that Jesus Christ is Lord and God, and dwells within him in spirit and truth. 2 Jesus read their books for all to see that the writings speak of him as he came to save his people but the people did not understand because they saw him as an ordinary man. If you read the writings he said he would come to save his people and on that day would know his name. The Lord worked in this world as the creator father and then when he came acted as savior and now is like the Holy Spirit. Only those who receive it know this, not those who claim to intellectual mind pretend to understand this to be understood by the Spirit of you already received. He that is born of the flesh is flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not deceive or cheat others retrásense from evil and come to the marriage of the Lamb, everyone is invited. Revelation. 19: 7 to 11. Blessed is he who understands this. Jesus Christ loves them family. three MUCH AS PASTORS AND CATHOLICS ARE RUNNING A HEBREW SOULS TO BELIEVE NOT IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. That is the only savior as staff and they do not want the Lord Jesus teach lies to people, they say they are bad good bad and good, but it turns out that Jesus said no one righteous who seeks God and try to know him as he really is. ALREADY THE GREAT WHORE PROPHESIED WILL BE DESTROYED AND DESTROY THE LORD JESUS WITH FIRE OF HIS SPIRIT. As he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because she is full of paganism and his father is the devil. 4 It will be destroyed politically and religiously and all the nations of the world will be amazed to see a city so rich in a day has come its destruction by the power of the true God who by the mouth of his prophets. But I will say that many of them can still leave it and come to the Lord Jesus to be forgiven and washed and cleansed, because God is merciful and does not want anyone to perish. All are invited to the wedding of the Lamb. Revelation. 19: 7 to 11. Christ Jesus loves them. BAPTIZE NO CHILDREN BUT TO BE ALREADY HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF SIN. What this man is doing with the kids is not baptism but wetting her head. 5 Do not have a place in your home mojarles parents to head to their children? Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist reaching the age of 30 years. Did you parents need to make a baptism poorly done as this mans head wet them children think? They should have more knowledge of the original baptism and not a bad baptism as do religious. Thats not baptize thats just a pagan custom that use religious to extort money from people and other things. The true baptism is to be forgiven of sins, and die to the old nature Yea, come into this world. And baptism is done by immersing the whole body under water because it represents death to the flesh, to live again in Christ and receive the birth of the Spirit to be with Jesus. Everything is done in the name of Jesus to be with him. Amen. 6 It has been told that the true baptism is the one who told Nicodemus that this was a teacher who excelled all the other teachers of the law, but this did not understand what the Lord Jesus was telling him to be born again and many are saying the same thing and do not understand, but merciful Jesus returned him to repeat, verily, verily I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit can not enter the kingdom of God. John. 3: 5. Jesus then explains what he was saying. Jesus himself ie when 30 years was baptized with John the Baptist in the Jordan River. After that he got out of the water the new body the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit is the one who is now working in the children obedient to God. Jesus Christ is Lord and God. 7 What I do not understand religious is that Jesus being Lord and God, still see it as a common man and not love him as he wants to be worshiped in spirit and truth, for he is now in Spirit and truth, and as see it, do not believe that he is alive and that discussions with him, he listens, and works according to his mercy and love. The world does not know because it seeth him not, but who knows what testifies that he is alive and dwells in every heart you already received. If anyone knows him, he was never given by denying it before men, for he who does the Lord also will deny him before father (Holy Spirit). I have given Biblical passages because it is for those who do not believe in what I write them, and by the Biblical passages, may believe that it is the Lord who is speaking. 8 I hope that all who read books written those who read it will understand that the only Lord and God is the Lord Jesus, but I do not judge believe the Lord is the only one who can judge. My obligation is all to see that at all times I write to know the Lord Jesus. He is the only savior and he is our creator, he came to him and for his crown Him Him as their Lord and King, but his own did not receive him but killed rejecting and Gentiles received it in your heart because they saw Gentiles who he was I am, El Salvador world, his name is above every name that is Jesus, (Salvador). 9 A Gentile asked to know the true God and know his name, also must be born again in water and the Spirit in the name of Jesus to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus Christ is waiting, not delay in coming the Lord, he is alive and may consult with him personally, and he talks in prayer must believe that he is able to give you whatever you ask, but ask him first meet him as he wants to be known, and he will show everyone that you look at heart, and do it all in the name of Jesus to be heard. I ask you not to do according to the sayings of religious, for the Lord will not hear, if they do do it in the name of Jesus always invoking his name and he will hear. 10 A religious know they have very difficult having to leave the religion they were born, so we are asked to do so slowly and in the name of Jesus, because we have come out of the religious and was hard but the Lord Jesus is merciful and he wants you all to know how it should be known. Our salvation comes first then the rest. I hope you understand amen. Whole nations will be lost for not wanting to know the Lord Jesus as he wants everyone to know Him in spirit and truth, for they refused to withdraw from their customs and religions, preferring rather to be subject to the desires of the flesh, and all the pleasures she offered them through religion; that what the Lord Jesus told them. 11 We do not judge them only are they trying them that their eyes of the soul that is in danger to be open and see the danger is closer each day to the unprotected human race without hope of salvation, then, why refuse to come to Lord and God Jesus Christ? (Salvador anointed). It is the life and soul salvation and no more. He is our personal savior, everyone should go to their feet to be forgiven, do not expect the last minute to do this, today is the day accept it and be saved from eternal death of the soul. Jesus Christ is alive and waiting for you, just bend before him and worship him, because hes only salvation, pronounced with faith and with all forces he is your savior and he will be merciful and forgive you and be saved. 12 Do not fear them which kill the body, because over there you can not do but fears that can kill the body and soul and send him to hell, to that fear and that name is Jesus is Lord and God. The others can do nothing against the soul. All souls are mine saith the Lord the soul that sins shall die, so came to die on a cross leases for us through His sacrifice we have life and life more abundantly. He rose and is waiting for us, just have to hole his name is Jesus Christ to be saved. All are invited to come to the wedding of the Lamb. Revelation. 19: 7 to 11. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. AUTHOR: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. Written in Mendoza Argentina. Email: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:59:02 +0000

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