BOOK REVIEW “The Crying Baby” By Apostle Dora - TopicsExpress


BOOK REVIEW “The Crying Baby” By Apostle Dora Dumbuya Launched & Reviewed by Dr Ernest Bai Koroma I am honored to be here at this book launch of a truly remarkable woman of God. It is usually the case that babies should cry at birth as a sign of their humanity and appreciation of the gift of life freely given by God. Sister Dora Dumbuya showed us in her remarkable book that she just could not stop crying. She just could not stop announcing her appreciation of the gift of life from God. She was largely ignored by her relatives. But God is at work. As Sister Dora reminds us on page 62 of the book, God uses the seemingly foolish things of the world to perform wonders. The crying baby has been a wonder for Sierra Leone. The crying baby grew in faith, and God has been using her to bring healing unto this nation. For three months in her infancy, Sister Dora’s eyes were closed. Many could not understand it. Usually we close our eyes in periods of intense prayers; we shut our eyes in moments of intense communion with God. Nobody could open Sister Dora’s eyes in her infancy until the time anointed by God. Sister Dora tells us in her book on page 20 that her eyes were red hot and fearful to look at, though there were no signs of swelling or blood in her eyes. Well let me confess that when Sister Dora is ministering, her eyes tells the depth of her conviction, her eyes are sparks of the fire of the holy Ghost, and those sparks have lit and kept the faith burning in many hearts. As she reminds us on pages 57 and 58, hearts must be cleansed so that we will be able to do God’s will, for as it is written in Proverbs 4:23, ‘keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.’ I truly believe Sister Dora Dumbuya’s ministration on page 57 of her book that spiritual surgery is needed for us to get new hearts, spiritual surgery is needed for hearts of stone to be soft as flesh and yield to the power, the grace and the glory of God. God has blessed our country with enormous natural resources; God has blessed this nation with a rich history, what is needed are hearts that appreciate this; what is needed are hearts that affirm this with the diligence and managerial skills that, as Sister Dumbuya reminds us on page 41, our lord and savior Jesus Christ himself manifested. When I called for attitudinal change on my election as President in 2007, this was what I had in mind. I now urge everybody concerned with ensuring prosperity for this land to read this book. We need to value what we have. As Sister Dumbuya reminds us, Jesus Christ valued what he had. We all need to maintain what we have, for if we do not build on the good things we have, we cannot add unto them. Sister Dumbuya reminds us that Jesus Christ did not throw away the remaining 12 baskets after He fed the multitudes, for if he had done that we would not have a second feeding. Sister Dumbuya tells us on page 42 that riches are gained by how you manage what you have. This is a theme that is central to my Government’s Agenda for Prosperity. Nobody prospers without being diligent, without putting his or her shoulder to the wheel. Our lord and savior plucked ears of corn even on the Sabbath to feed the hungry. On page 43 of her wonderful book, Sister Dumbuya reminds us about what is written in Romans 8:28, ‘all things work together for good to them that love God.’ Love God by appreciating his grace of riches for us in this country; let your actions bring rejoicing unto the people, and to God be the glory. I come here to ask for your prayers that as President, may God make my actions bring rejoicing unto the people and to God be the Glory. Sister Dumbuya’s acts of faith have brought rejoicing to many homes in this country. From small beginnings, the crying baby, by the special grace of God, is today the General overseer of one of the biggest churches in our country. Sister Dumbuya worked hard, she showed determination, she demonstrated faith, she got her priorities right. As she ministers unto us on pages 96 and 97, success in life is determined by what you prioritized. Because Solomon got his priorities right, he got not only what he asked for, but much more was added unto him. From early in her life, Sister Dora sought education, wisdom and understanding, for as she testifies on page 36 of her book, the Bible says in Proverbs 4:7 ‘… with all thy getting, get understanding.’ She came from a poor family, but that did not deter her from studying hard, from working hard, from even getting her own daughter to teach her. Sister Dora’s life has been a testament of the path to follow to become successful, work hard, be a good manager, and most importantly trust in the lord. In almost the very last page of her remarkable book, Sister Dumbuya quotes Proverbs 3:6, ‘in all thy ways acknowledge God, and He shall direct thy paths.’ As we continue to seek God’s continuous blessings and glorify His name, it is my honor to launch this remarkable book by Sister Apostle Dora Dumbuya, “The Crying Baby”.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 15:28:06 +0000

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