BOOTS for 20 dollars! I fear Ive entered the twilight zone of - TopicsExpress


BOOTS for 20 dollars! I fear Ive entered the twilight zone of shoppers. Okay, okay, bad that stores are open on Thanksgiving night, and youd think I would have held to my principles and refused to go shopping. So, I had a moment of weakness in 57 years and agreed to visit Belks department store at 8:00p.m. No,oh no, you dont arrive at 8, you drive around the parking lot, hoping someone is pulling out of their much coveted parking space, by no later than 7:00 p.m. Then you exit car, noticing the chill enveloping you, immediately! The really unbelievable part is seeing a line of people stretched down the sidewalk as far as you can see and knowing youll trudge to your place in line and patiently shiver till you think you cant stand it, along with all the enthusiastic deal getters. Yes, we were there for the DEAL! Boots, for a 20 spot! Thats what it took to break my resolve. Well, that and a very convincing daughter in law. So, there we are, in the line, freezing, chattering about how many people are there and how surprised we are. Ive realized at this point that Im the more reluctant shopper in line, because most are completely excited about the upcoming madness. Clearly, theyve done this before and much like a drug, they NEED the bedlam that is about to ensue. So, the doors open, and as we file towards the doors that have been thrown back, as if someone is trying to escape instead of enter this magical place, ( with boots for 20 bucks), we see people trying to sneak in, trying to break line! Were not thrilled about that behavior and whisper under our breath, how we just cant believe these line poachers. However, we creep towards the door, quickly forgetting the freezing cold weve endured, because we have now entered, BOOT BUYING HEAVEN! What happens next was both thrilling and shocking! And I realize in an instant why our husbands would rather stay at home watching football, worrying if there will be money for next months mortgage, vs face this mob! People, women, men of all ages, sizes running toward mounds of boxes all with BOOTS FOR 20 dollars in them! My people left me, well, me and Lauren, we were on our own! As I watched people grabbing and stacking boxes of boots in their arms, I had the overwhelming urge to grab boxes too! I felt a lump rise in my throat, because I just knew I had to somehow save a BOOT for myself. So, I have my boxes, and I try to weave through the crowd trying to get to my shopping companions, all while trying to protect a 7 year old from boxes dropping, and the sea of boot shopping bodies. We see Beth and Rochelle, they too, have gathered boxes of boots. Now to find a place to try the boots on,....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Having weaved our way to the clothing section, there among the racks of clothes was a place to pile the boxes. Now, is when I realize that my boxes I grabbed arent even my And so, at this point I realize that Im done. There is NO way Ill enter the piles of boxes filled with people. So, now what to do? I take Lauren and we make our way through the boot buying public to less crowded parts of the store. I carefully pick out some very nice presents and suddenly realize that Im having a blast! Never in my life will I miss a rush like this! BOOTS for 20 bucks,not bad, not bad at all!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:01:11 +0000

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