BORNO BELONGS TO ALL ITS CITIZENS The recent happenings regarding - TopicsExpress


BORNO BELONGS TO ALL ITS CITIZENS The recent happenings regarding the politics of Borno and APC in particular calls for a sober reflection, and indeed all citizens of the state need to ponder at least for a moment and see where and how we found ourselves in this kind of political atmosphere. It is indeed unfortunate that some expired politicians still think they own Borno state. Though politics is all about interest, but there should be decency in whatever political interest that we are pursuing. It amazes me how quickly some people have forgotten the difficulties that the state and its people had experience, and some parts of the state are still experiencing. The big question that keeps on coming to my mind is, where was Ali Sheriff all these while? Though, it may sound like a simple question, but the answer may be difficult for him to answer. Here is a man who was 2 times senator, and spent eight years as a governor. Under normal circumstance, such person should be respected by all and regarded as statesmen. A reasonable person who has this kind of record, ought to be a statesman and a role model to the younger generation. But unfortunately, he is not thinking that way, rather all his concern is how to get a political power. Many people within Borno and even outside the state were amazed by the recent visit of SAS, and the devastating events that followed the visit. Those who are saying that SAS was well received in Maiduguri had forgotten that in Nigeria with the level of poverty in the land, anyone who can doll out some cash can indeed be received by those they had made hungry due to their past misrule. The reception organized for SAS therefore, was because those he misruled wanted to get whatever they can get out his fat accounts. What amazes me is the fact that some people have been defeated psychologically in believing that SAS is too powerful to be challenged. But my people, for how long shall we continue to allow one man to dictate to us and determine who get what, when, and how. Borno is too big for that kind of politics, especially when the determinant is only after his interest. The common man on the street of Borno has no reason whatsoever to celebrate Ali Sheriff. The only good thing he did was bringing in a humble man who is directly his opposite as a governor. A governor who love his people passionately. A governor who had shed tears and cried alongside the people of Borno. A governor who has a better plan, and has done tremendously well, despite the unfavorable conditions. Unfortunately, for SAS this is not the kind of leaders he want for Borno, he never thought Kashim Shettima will be such a visionary leader that he is. This is because despite the unconditional loyalty that H E Kashim Shettima has for him, he is not satisfied. I have never heard of a sitting governor who has been so loyal to his predecessor like the current governor. This is a man that despite being the seating governor of the state, he always sat on the flow whenever he visit SAS. He always made sure the SAS is treated like a sitting governor, even though he is not. This is a man that will allow a former governor to be driven using the motorcade of the governor, not only that, but he will occupy the number one car, and seat in the owners corner, while the seating governor seats on the other side of the car. This is a man that allows those who had worked under the previous regime to continue working under him even when some of them are not good enough to occupy such offices, but he allow them to work under him just to please Ali Sheriff, yet he is not satisfied. I can go on and on, the question is that has H E Kashim Shettima not been loyal to SAS? Infact, to some people, or even the greater majority of people of Borno they do accuse the present governor of being too loyal to SAS. If that is the case, then why is SAS complaining? The answer is simple. SAS is a kind of person that doesn’t like anyone who knows what he is doing. If Ali Sheriff supported you and discover later that you are a visionary leader, he will do whatever possible to make sure he pull you down. That is why he is trying to get close to our most respected Hon Muktari Betara. He has seen that Hon Betara has not just performed extremely well in his constituency, but he has been doing well as the chairman house committee on Nigeria Army. He has seen the political profile of Hon Betara raising, and he is certainly not comfortable with that. He also knew that the relationship between Hon Betara and H E Kashim Shettima, is very cordial, and therefore he knew that if this two great men are working together to bring development to Borno, they will succeed, and that is not what he want. That is why he is trying to get close to Hon Betara, just destroy the good working relationship that exist between the two great men and at the same time sponsoring somebody to replace Hon Betara at the house of reps. SAS only support clueless and visionless leaders, so that he can continue pocketing them. That was why he brought us a person who only know how to fight people, and with no clear wisdom on how to win the heart of his people within his zone as a deputy governor. It is also the same reason that is making him to support a bench warmer in the house of reps to contest for the senate seat in northern Borno. That is why he is trying to destroy the relationship between the two most humble men I have ever come across. Unfortunately for SAS, that will never happen. No matter how hard he try, he will not succeed because these men are intellectually sound, and morally upright, and therefore cannot fall for these outdated manipulation from the man who has lost out with the people of the state. Hon Betara and KSM will remain together for the betterment of Borno. For those who have doubt, they should remember that the people of Borno central had spoken in 2011, and it will not be difficult for them to do the same in 2015. Infact, it will be easier this time, because SAS is no longer in charge of the state. The question I want to ask those supporting SAS, is that has he done anything good for the people of Borno between 2011 to date that will warrant the people to consider supporting the same man they chased away in 2011? SAS has never sympathize with the people of Borno even once, throughout the period that the boko haram was dealing with the people of Borno state, but he always come out and talk if it is for something that affects him personally. He has never sent any relief material or any assistance to the victims of the boko haram insurgency, but he is rich enough to buy a billions of naira private jet. But because this man think Borno is filled with empty headed people who only value money, today he is trying to destabilize the state because of his hunger for political power. He has forgotten what the people of the state had passed through due to his actions and inactions. But certainly he is has completely misfired, and the people of Borno know who he is now more than ever MY ADVICE TO SAS, He should know that the people of Borno have done so much for him. The people of Borno made him senator more than once. The people of Borno made him a governor for eight years. Therefore, what the people need from him now is to respect himself and be a statesman, he should stop his manipulations to bring disunity among the people of the state. He should also apologize to the people of Borno, just like he did to boko haram, because those who suffered for the insecurity are the innocent people of Borno and therefore, they deserve more than apology from him. He should leave the people alone, because nobody in his right senses will ever vote for him again. Let him start investing his money in the state since he has enough to buy billions of naira private jets. Let him open factories, farms and exploit other avenues that he can assist the state govt in providing the youths with jobs. Let him humble himself, and start treating the people of Borno with dignity, respect and honor. MY ADVICE TO KSM, He should not be deterred from his resolve to transform Borno. The recent happenings should serve as fuel that will energize him to do more. He should know that decent people of Borno believe in his ability and have confidence in him. The masses are with him which is a plus for him. My governor should also look inwards and weed out those who are deliberately undermining his administration. There are those who also lack initiative in the cabinet, those who only cares about what they can get from the governor, and not what they can contribute in making his administration a success. Those who are deliberately refusing to tell the people about the good things that the governor has been doing, and such people are still comfortably enjoying the comfort of their offices within the govt. all this kinds of people should be shown the way out. My governor should also identify those among members of the national assembly who are politically relevant and bring them closer to him. Especially those who had been protecting the interest of the state at the national assembly, those who had help our youths to get jobs at the federal level. I believe my governor can do more than that. He has the requisite foresight, and the intellectual capacity to put a strong political base that is devoid of thugs, and those who cannot read properly, nor has the capacity to share the vision he has for the people of Borno. I have always said that we are all stakeholders in the development of our dear state, and this is the time that the state need us to put whatever our differences aside and work for the interest of the state has done so much to us. No price will be too much for one’s fatherland. Borno is more than any individual no matter how highly placed one is. LONG LIVE KSM LONG LIVE BORNO STATE LONG LIVE FED REP OF NIGERIA
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 17:13:17 +0000

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