BOSTON LYRIC OPERAS RIGOLETTO!!! KIRAS OPERA REVIEW...CARO NOME, OR A.K.A making a BEAUTIFUL NAME for yourself In the previous post, you can read a comprehensive review of the production...Ill focus here on Nadine, who sang the role of Gilda, because she is a HUGE TALENT and actually threw everyone else in the shade, so the real story about this opera production is her, anyway!!!... So, some background about her...apparently she suffered from such severe stage fright when she was younger, that she needed Renee Flemings therapist...well, she seems to have conquered her fears, as she gave a superlative performance!!!...also, it seems to be a welcome new trend...going back to rubato in performance...for awhile, there were rubato-phobic conductors and music directors, who successfully managed to brainwash singers and instrumentalists into avoiding rubato entirely..btw, rubato means the temporary disregarding of strict tempo to allow an expressive quickening or slackening, usually without altering the overall pace.... So Nadine came out early, and came out HUGE, AND SHE NOT ONLY HIT A HOMERUN WITH THIS ARIA, she hit it outta the park and (get this!!!), THE BALL LANDED IN ARGENTINA!!!!...she was scaling her mountain, and GUESS WHAT???...she arrived at the top of MT. Everest!!!... As is the case, when 1 performer goes SUPER NOVA, the rest of the cast gets a kick in the pants and tries to top her...GOOD TRY, YOU GUYS LEFT BASE CAMP, BUT NEVER GOT AS HIGH AS NADINE...SHE WAS SIMPLY ON FIRE AND SANG LIGHTS OUT!!!...respectable job of trying to ratchet up their game, but not entirely successful... The aria she sang was caro nome, which means beautiful is the measure, in this opera, of just how good someone can be...well, this caro nome made a BEAUTIFUL NAME FOR HERSELF!!!...YOU. GO. GIRL!!!!!! youtube/watch?v=ksL9iFFVyYE&list=RDksL9iFFVyYE&feature=share
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:03:03 +0000

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