BOTSWANA AGAIN RATED LEAST CORRUPT IN AFRICA BY TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL Transparency International (TI) today released its 2013 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) in Berlin.This Office is pleased to announce that, for the 18th year in a row, Botswana was cited as being the least corrupt country in Africa, as well as among the least corrupt countries in the world.Botswana is ranked 30 out of 177 countries in the latest survey, with an overall score of 64.Botswanas standing thus placed it in the top 17% of all surveyed nations, as well as above almost two thirds of the nations of Europe. In Africa, Botswana was the only country to score above 60.TI is the leading international non-governmental organisation devoted to fighting corruption worldwide. Its annual CPI index reflects the perceptions of business people, academics and risk analysts, both resident and non-resident. It is, moreover, a composite index, drawing on a range of additional expert and business surveys. Botswanas success in the annual survey over the years has been attributed to our zero tolerance approach to corruption buttressed by the putting into place of multiple oversight institution, such as the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC), Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB), the Competition Authority and the Financial Intelligence Agency.Since 2008 the DCEC, in particular, has increased its capacity and reach with the assistance of outside experts. This has enabled it to put into place Anti-Corruption Units in Ministries and Local Authorities, who, working alongside PPADB, have been enforcing procurement guidelines and cracking down on abuses.Additional initiatives have included the designation of a dedicated High Court Judge to deal with casesof Corruption, the establishment of the DPP Anti-Corruption Unit and the introduction of anti-corruption curricula in schools and training institutions.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 06:55:02 +0000

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