BOTSWANA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY - ORDER PAPER (FRIDAY 21ST MARCH, 2014) MINISTER’S QUESTION TIME 1. Minister of Education and Skills Development THEME: ALLOWANCES/COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT FOR TERTIARY LEVEL STUDENTS (Mr. B. Ntuane, MP. – Gaborone West South) QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE 2. MR. M. C. TIBONE, MP. (TATI WEST): To ask the Minister of Transport and Communications if he is aware that the recent heavy rains in the Nkange and Tati West Constituencies caused immense damage to most roads in these areas and made communication with and between villages extremely difficult; thus paralysing the local economy; if so, will he consider initiating and funding a project on an emergency basis, for the construction of these roads to bitumen standard. TABLING OF PAPERS 1. Botswana Examinations Council Annual Report, 2012/2013. (Minister of Education and Skills Development) 2. Statutory Instrument No. 2 of 2014: Wildlife Conservation and National Parks (Prohibition of Hunting Capturing or Removal of Animals) Order, 2014. (Minister of Environment, wildlife and Tourism) 3. Tertiary Education Council Annual Report, 2012/2013. (Minister of Education and Skills Development) 4. Botswana Training Authority Annual Report, 2012/2013. (Minister of Education and Skills Development) AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF PUBLIC BUSINESS PRESENTATION OF A GOVERNMENT BILL • National Meteorological Service Bill, (No. 5 of 2014) An Act to provide for the establishment of the National Meteorological Service; to provide for its powers and functions and to provide for related matters. (Published on 7th March, 2014) (Minister of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism) NOTICE OF MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY MOTIONS INCREMENT OF THE VILLAGE AND WARD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEES ALLOWANCES 1. “That this Honourable House requests Government to increase the Village Development Committees (VDC) and Ward Development Committees (WDC) allowances to the equivalent of the minimum amount paid to Ipelegeng Supervisors per month.” (Mr. K. S. Rammidi, MP. – Kanye North) (Resumed Debate) ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSTITUENCY DEVELOPMENT FUND 2. “That this Honourable House resolves to request Government to consider establishing a Constituency Development Fund.’” (Mr. O. Motlhale, MP. – South East South) (Resumed Debate) GOVERNMENT TO COMMIT ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 1991 FENCING POLICY 3. “That this Honourable House requests Government to commit additional resources outside the National Development Plan 10 either through borrowing or other means to assist the Ministry of Agriculture to undertake as a matter of urgency, a bankable feasibility study on the full roll out of the 1991 Fencing Policy given the huge opportunity costs borne as a result of not fully implementing this Policy.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) AMENDMENT OF THE POLICE (SPECIAL CONSTABLES) REGULATIONS 4. “That this Honourable House resolves that the Police (Special Constables) Regulations be urgently amended to provide for maternity leave for officers who have been re-appointed to serve beyond the initial six months of the first contract.” (Mr. D. Saleshando, MP. – Gaborone Central) BROADCASTING OF NEWS IN OTHER LANGUAGES BY RADIO BOTSWANA AND BOTSWANA TELEVISION 5. “That this Honourable House resolves that Radio Botswana and Botswana Television make necessary arrangements to broadcast news in other languages, as part of affirmative action, with effect from January 2015.” (Mr. G. Saleshando, MP. – Selebi Phikwe West) DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGY TO ATTRACT INVESTORS TO RURAL AREAS 6. “That this Honourable House requests Government to develop a strategy aimed at attracting investors to the rural areas in order to fast track employment creation and poverty eradication.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) INTRODUCTION OF A FORTNIGHTLY PAYROLL SYSTEM 7. “That this Honourable House requests Government to introduce a fortnightly payroll system with a view to promoting greater financial management and benefits for employees.” (Mr. O. Motlhale, MP. – South East South) UPGRADING OF THE LEVEL OF TSWANA MEDIUM SCHOOLS 8. “That this Honourable House requests Government to upgrade the level of Tswana Medium Schools to that of English Medium Schools.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) GOVERNMENT TO CONSIDER ACCEDING TO AND BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE PEER REVIEW MECHANISM 9. “That this Honourable House requests Government to ensure that Botswana voluntarily accedes to and become a member of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) which is a self-monitoring mechanism acceded to by the African Union member states.” (Mr. M. M. Goya, MP. – Palapye) SPECIAL TASK FORCE TEAM TO DEVELOP COMPLEMENTARY STRATEGIES 10. “That this Honourable House requests Government to form a special task force team comprising the private sector, academia and politicians to develop complementary strategies on the following:- (i) broadening Government revenue streams; (ii) refined but secure ways of investing Botswana’s reserves; and (iii) self-liquidating projects left out during the National Development Plan 10 Mid Term Review.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) TRANSFORMATION OF THE PAN AFRICAN PARLIAMENT TO A LEGISLATIVE INSTITUTION 11. “That this Honourable House supports the transformation of the Pan African Parliament from a consultative and advisory body to that with legislative functions.” (Mr. M. M. Goya, MP. – Palapye) ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE LAND AUDIT 12. “That this Honourable House resolves that there be a comprehensive land audit to establish the factors that have led to demand outstripping supply in most urban centres and also establish land ownership patterns in Botswana.” (Mr. D. Saleshando, MP. – Gaborone Central) INCREMENT OF THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FUND CEILING 13. “That this Honourable House requests Government to increase the ceiling of the Youth Development Fund for Youth Cooperatives.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) SETTING UP OF A NATIONAL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION 14. “That this Honourable House resolves that a National Commission on Education be set up to develop policy guidelines and new strategies for the country’s future educational development.” (Mr. D. Saleshando, MP. – Gaborone Central) UPGRADING OF THE LETSHOLATHEBE II HOSPITAL 15. “That this Honourable House resolves that Letsholathebe II Hospital be upgraded to the level of a specialist referral hospital.” (Mr. G. Saleshando, MP. – Selebi Phikwe West) RESCISION OF THE DECISION TO STOP HUNTING 16. “That this Honourable House requests Government to rescind the decision to stop hunting as of January 2014 pending further consultation with relevant stakeholders.” (Mr. B. Arone, MP. – Okavango) REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA 17. “That this Honourable House resolves to review the Constitution of the Republic of Botswana.” (Mr. G. Saleshando, MP. – Selebi Phikwe West)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:09:29 +0000

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