BOTSWANA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ORDER PAPER FOR MONDAY 28TH JULY, 2014 QUESTIONS 1.MAJ. GEN. M. R. PHETO, MP. (KWENENG EAST): To ask the Acting Minister for Presidential Affairs and Public Administration:– (i) when the 400 applicants for Poverty Eradication Projects in Kopong in the Kweneng East Constituency will be assessed; (ii) how long the longest applicant(s) have been waiting and why it has taken that long before the assessments are made; and (iii) whether one (1) social worker is expected to adequately serve Kopong and its surrounding villages/settlements with a population of about 11 000. 2. MR. N. M. MODUBULE, MP. (LOBATSE): To ask the Minister of Finance and Development Planning whether it is true that farmers who purchase tractors for refuse collection are charged Value Added Tax (VAT) while those who purchase them for ploughing are not charged. 3. DR. H. N. HOBONA, MP. (FRANCISTOWN WEST): To ask the Acting Minister of Education and Skills Development:- (i) when the old Tatitown Primary School in Francistown was closed; (ii) if he is aware that since the closure there have been continuous security services at the school; if so, how much has been spent on these services; and (iii) to state future plans for the school buildings. 4. MR. F. M. M. MOLAO, MP. (TONOTA NORTH): To ask the Minister of Health:- (i) when adequate transport, will be provided, and nurses and Doctors posted to the clinics and health posts in the Tonota North Constituency with special reference to the Sebina, Mathangwane, Marapong, Natale, Borolong, Chadibe and Matsitama centres among others; (ii) whether shortage of these does not compromise quality service which the people expect all the time; and (iii) when electricity will be connected to the centres that do not have such especially in Makobo and Natale including in nurses houses. 5.DR. H. N. HOBONA, MP. (FRANCISTOWN WEST): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:- (i) why the daily menu for primary schools which is beans in the Francistown West Constituency, differs with that of secondary schools where there is a choice of meat protein and starch; and (ii) when he intends to upgrade this menu to one which includes meat protein and starch. 6. MR. A. S. KESUPILE, MP. (KANYE SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development if he is aware that residents of Mmatshitswane and Nyorosi East Wards in Kanye constantly complain about rain-water that floods their homes and compounds for days due to culverts that have been wrongly placed; if so, to state:- (i) why the Southern District Council is refusing to harken to their cry and put an end to this destructive and painful seasonal torment; and (ii) where and to whom should the affected residents direct their claims for damage to their properties. 7. MR. G. R. M. NSHIMWE, MP. (CHOBE): To ask the Minister of Lands and Housing when he intends to fulfill the promise he made in 2012 to Pandamatenga Commercial Farmers Association, that he would allocate them land to host their Annual Harvest Show. 8. MR. D. P. MAKGALEMELE, MP. (SHOSHONG): To ask the Acting Minister of Education and Skills Development to state:- (i) the acceptable number of kilometres primary school pupils should walk daily to access education; and (ii) the number of kilometres pupils residing in the village of Tobela travel daily to access education in the village of Shoshong. 9. MR. W. B. MMOLOTSI, MP. (FRANCISTOWN SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Defence, Justice and Security to update this Honourable House on progress made in the review of the Conditions of Service for the Botswana Defence Force, Botswana Police Service and Botswana Prisons Service. 10. MR. T. MOREMI, MP. (MAUN WEST): To ask the Minister of Lands and Housing if he is aware that Tawana Land Board has been leasing out Tourism sites at Xakanaxa Lagoon since 1982 (WP/NAT 2/14 III (58); if so, he should provide:- (i) a breakdown of lease and royalty fees paid from 1982 to date; and (ii) a breakdown/itemised schedule of lease and royalty fees from date of commencement of the leasing of Chief Island as the Land Board has been leasing sites on this Island from the mid-nineties. 11. MR. K. P. MOLATLHEGI, MP. (GABORONE SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:- (i) whether he is aware of the dilapidated state of Lesedi Community Hall at Selemela Ward in the Gaborone South Constituency; (ii) whether there are any plans to construct a new community hall for this area; if so, (iii) when should residents expect the construction of the facility. 12. MR. R. B. MAKOSHA, MP. (NATA/GWETA): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development to brief this Honourable House on the newly constructed bridge at Manxotai which is now showing signs of defect; in particular:- (i) to state the names of the construction engineers and structural designers of the bridge; (ii) why Government should not claim back costs involved in the construction of the bridge; and (iii) to state future plans in place especially for the washed away tar mark road that leads to Manxotai village from the bridge. NOTICE OF MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY SECOND READINGS 1. Securities Bill, 2014 (No. 17 of 2014) An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the regulation and supervision of securities industry in Botswana; to make provision for the regulation and supervision of securities institutions and markets; to prohibit insider trading and other forms of market abuse; and to make provision for matters connected with the foregoing. (Minister of Finance and Development Planning)(Resumed Debate) 2. Retirement Funds Bill, 2014 (No. 16 of 2014) An Act to provide for the licensing, regulation and administration of all retirement funds, including pension and provident funds, and for matters incidental to or connected therewith. (Minister of Finance and Development Planning) 3. Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2013 (No. 23 of 2013) An Act to amend the Companies Act. (Minister of Trade and Industry) MOTIONS 4. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY “That this Honourable House resolves that the Industrial Development Policy, 2014 be adopted.” (Minister of Trade and Industry) (Resumed Debate) 5. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT ON THE BOTSWANA NATIONAL SPORT COMMISSION BILL “That this Honourable House resolves that the Report on the Botswana National Sport Commission Bill be adopted.” (Chairperson of the Committee on Youth, Sport, Arts and Culture)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:38:44 +0000

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