BOTSWANA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ORDER PAPER FOR TUESDAY 5TH AUGUST, 2014 QUESTIONS 1. MR. W. B. MMOLOTSI, MP. (FRANCISTOWN SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Defence, Justice and Security whether it is true that the delinking exercise at the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) has been cancelled; if so:- (i) what motivated the cancellation; and (ii) how were members of the BDF consulted. 2. MR. T. MOREMI, MP. (MAUN WEST): To ask the Minister of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources to state progress made on the Sewer Treatment Works and Primary Lines Project which was expected to commence in September 2012 and end in January 2014, in light of the stated P66.4 Billion in Foreign Reserves as of July 2013. 3. MR. A. S. KESUPILE, MP. (KANYE SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Labour and Home Affairs to state:- (i) the cause of the delays in concluding the matter of unionisation by the staff of the National Food Technology Research Centre to enjoy their association with Trainers and Allied Workers Union (TAWU); (ii) whether the delay in recognising a trade union is not tantamount to denying workers their fundamental right to unionise; (iii) why he would not consider relocating Industrial Courts to the Administration of Justice where more capacity exists to improve service efficiency and case management activities; and (iv) measures in place to facilitate workers freedom of association in line with Ratified Fundamental Conventions (Conventions 87 and 98) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on Freedom of Association. 4. MR. G. R. M. NSHIMWE, MP. (CHOBE): To ask the Minister of Lands and Housing to explain the procedure of inheriting plots i.e. matlotla and masimo. 5. MR. D. P. MAKGALEMELE, MP. (SHOSHONG): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:- (i) to state progress made in implementing a motion that called on Government to fast track the setting up of sub-districts; and (ii) to provide as annexure to his answer, a timetable for the implementation of this motion during the remaining National Development Plan 10 period. 6. MR. K. P. MOLATLHEGI, MP. (GABORONE SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development whether:- (i) he is aware that Ipelegeng workers in Gaborone South Constituency have to que for their allowances at the post office for extended hours; (ii) he is aware that this current system exposes them to criminals; and (iii) he will consider a better and expeditious system of paying. 7. MR. T. MOREMI, MP. (MAUN WEST): To ask the Minister of Lands and Housing:- (i) whether Moremi Land Board has documentation showing that the Maun Education Park (MEP) was the property of Fauna Conservation Society (TLB B/14/16 I (28); (ii) if he is aware that the same board has no record of transfer with regard to the MEP; (iii) how the above reconciles with the response to part (ii) of Question 64, asked in Parliament on Thursday 18th November 2010; (iv) what is the effect of the Certificate issued in terms of Regulation 21(4) signed by Tawana Land Board Chairman; and (v) whether any sanction is available for the fraud of the Land Board on the community of Ngamiland. 8. MR. A. S. KESUPILE, MP. (KANYE SOUTH): To ask the Acting Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture if he is aware that the public library in Kanye is plagued by acute shortages of:- (i) play Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) learning material for the children’s section of the library; (ii) computers to provide for the growing demand for computer literacy and internet services; if so, would the Minister state what he intends to do and when, to address these concerns. 9. DR. H. N. HOBONA, MP. (FRANCISTOWN WEST): To ask the Minister of Health:- (i) why the Public Private Partnership Antiretroviral (PPP ARV) Masa programme was discontinued; (ii) whether an assessment or audit was carried out on the programme; if so, what were the positive and negative results; (iii) to state the increase in percentage of the waiting time at ARV Clinics at Nyangabgwe Hospital, Area W Clinic and Tatitown Clinic due to the PPP patient influx. 10. MR. M. M. GOYA, MP. (PALAPYE): To ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to apprise this Honourable House on the latest developments regarding the transformation of the Pan African Parliament from an institution with advisory and consultative functions to a body with legislative functions. 11. MR. D. P. MAKGALEMELE, MP. (SHOSHONG): To ask the Minister of Health to state:- (i) the total spending in non-communicable diseases per disease over the last three Financial Years including the end of December 2013, and age categorization where possible; (ii) his analysis from the figures presented at (i) above; and (iii) how much would have been saved if the Nation was practising healthy lifestyles; and (iv) estimated savings that can be realised for the remaining part of National Development Plan (NDP) 10 if healthy lifestyles were to be practiced across age groups. 12. MR. M. M. GOYA, MP. (PALAPYE): To ask the Acting Minister for Presidential Affairs and Public Administration to apprise this Honourable House on Botswana’s status on the Digital Terrestrial Television Migration. 13. MR. W. B. MMOLOTSI, MP. (FRANCISTOWN SOUTH): To ask the Acting Minister for Presidential Affairs and Public Administration the whereabouts of the Presidential Bentley, 1978 model. 14. MR. A. S. KESUPILE, MP. (KANYE SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development if he is aware that the Southern District Council in its pursuit for the handover of the borehole at Tsonyane to the Water Utilities Corporation, left farmers without provision for water nor an alternative borehole duly equipped to water their livestock; if so:- (i) will he explain why the Southern District Council put the Tsonyane farmers in such a difficult situation; (ii) when will they be provided with a fully equipped borehole to water their livestock; and (iii) to whom should they direct their claims for livestock lost in search of water. PRESENTATION OF A PETITION BY HON. DR. H. N. HOBONA, MP. TABLING OF PAPER • Draft Amendments to the Provisions of Standing Orders 4.5, 4.6 and 6.1 (Election of Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Endorsement of the Appointment of the Vice President). (Chairperson of the Standing Orders and Reforms Committee) STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF MINERALS, ENERGY AND WATER RESOURCES NOTICE OF MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY MOTIONS 1. SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE FROM THE CONSOLIDATED AND DEVELOPMENT FUNDS “That this Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure from the Consolidated and Development Funds contained in Financial Paper No. 1 of 2014/2015 be approved.” (Minister of Finance and Development Planning) 2. REPORT ON THE BOTSWANA MEAT COMMISSION AND THE DECLINE OF THE BOTSWANA BEEF INDUSTRY “That this Honourable House resolves that the Report of the Parliamentary Special Select Committee of Inquiry for the year 2013 into the Botswana Meat Commission and the Decline of the Botswana Beef Industry be adopted.” (Chairperson of the Parliamentary Special Select Committee of Inquiry into the Botswana Meat Commission and the Decline of the Botswana Beef Industry)(Resumed Debate)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 10:33:36 +0000

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