#BOXING_DAY I would like to appreciate God for his mercy and - TopicsExpress


#BOXING_DAY I would like to appreciate God for his mercy and kindness towards me, at least i have witnessed another boxing day. Why do we call it Boxing day? I remember when i was much younger, in my secondary school, on a day like this, fellow students or even neighbors on the street would walk up to me and, u know, box(punch) me and say, its boxing day. To some other people, boxing day is a day they go to the beach and play around. Others think boxing day is a day dedicated to heavy weight champions to slug it out in the boxing ring. Well Well Well, thats what i always thought boxing day was meant for not until recently i searched through the internet and was stunned at whagt i saw. Boxing Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradespeople would receive gifts, known as a Christmas box, from their bosses or employers, in the United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, South Africa, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and other Commonwealth nations. Today, Boxing Day is the bank holiday that generally takes place on 26 December. In South Africa, Boxing Day was renamed Day of Goodwill in 1994. Due to the Roman Catholic Churchs liturgical calendar, the day is known as St. Stephens Day to Catholics, and in Italy, Finland, and Alsace and Moselle in France. It is also known as both St. Stephens Day and the Day of the Wren or Wrens Day in Ireland. In many European countries, including notably Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and those in Scandinavia, 26 December is celebrated as the Second Christmas Day. I hope u now know what boxing day is all about. Show love to people around you, give them gifts or at least well wishes. Thank you for reading. #Source_Wikipedia
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 06:45:56 +0000

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