BREAKING: --- A Texas woman is being pressured by the government - TopicsExpress


BREAKING: --- A Texas woman is being pressured by the government to remove a Christian-themed sign from her property. Jeanette Golden received a letter from the Texas Department of Transportation in April telling her that she needs to remove a large sign that has the Ten Commandments from her yard because it’s close to the highway. The DOT told her that the only acceptable signs along to road are those for commercial and industrial uses. With the help of attorney Michael Berry and the Liberty Institute, the pastor is fighting the will of the government. According to the Houston Chronicle, Berry said that “It’s on her property and she is not encroaching a right of way with the sign.” The sign is reportedly located behind a fence that’s on Golden’s ranch. Berry said that by the DOT trying to force her to remove the sign that it’s a violation of the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Although the DOT is claiming that it’s not the content of the sign that is the problem, it’s that it violates the Federal Highway Beautification Act and could cost the state federal funding
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 16:02:21 +0000

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