BREAKING: B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission welcomes - TopicsExpress


BREAKING: B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission welcomes apology by LinkedIn user for anti-Semitic remark DECEMBER 9, 2014 The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission has welcomed an apology by an Australian business owner for using an anti-Semitic stereotype in a LinkedIn post. On Monday, the ADC received a complaint from a deeply distressed Jewish woman about a comment made in a LinkedIn post that employed the age old canard that Jews were stingy. The business owner in question told her professional network that she was “really Jewish” when dealing with customers who spent money when there more cost efficient alternatives available. Dr. Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, wrote to the member and noted in his letter that: “The disturbing lie that Jews are ‘tight with money’— namely, that they are cheap and stingy— is a common anti-Semitic stereotype. This vile charge has nothing do with the actual behaviour of the Jewish people. In fact, according to Jewish tradition, giving money to the poor and to those in need is not just encouraged, but is required, through the commandment of Tzedakah, or charity. Uttering such unfounded slurs, even out of ignorance, is unacceptable. We all have a responsibility to be respectful and to avoid prejudicial and bigoted expressions. Though we assume that there was no ill-intent here, we would urge you to issue an apology to the ADC and to your LinkedIn contacts (one of whom) was deeply distressed by your thoughtless remark.” Dr Abramovich also offered to organise for the LinkedIn user a visit to the Jewish Holocaust Institute of Western Australia. “Such a visit” Dr Abramovich wrote, “will afford you with the opportunity to meet with Holocaust survivors and to learn about the tragic effects of harmful and cruel stereotypes.” Within 24 hours, the LinkedIn user responsible for that comment issued an unreserved apology for any hurt she may have caused and assured her peers that she did not intend to offend the Jewish community or any other racial and ethnic group. Dr Abramovich said in response: “We welcome the apology and take the user at her word that she did not have any ill-intent when she wrote and published this statement on her company page. We consider the matter closed.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 01:16:13 +0000

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