BREAKING: Karl Marx Delivers America’s State of the Union - TopicsExpress


BREAKING: Karl Marx Delivers America’s State of the Union Address January 20, 2015 By Matthew Burke FacebookTwitterEmailPrintMore Obama Marx Sounding more like Communism’s founder Karl Marx, rather than one of America’s founding fathers, Barack Obama delivered America’s 2015 State of the Union Address on Tuesday evening, stubbornly hammering the American people’s freedom with more proposed confiscatory tax hikes and brutal regulatory schemes, all while Democrat enablers in both Houses of Congress clapped like sycophantic seals before their “Dear Leader.” Speaking before the legislative bodies Obama has reduced to nothing more than an overpaid debate society, Obama dressed down the nation with a theme that focused on punishing those who do “spectacularly well” with onerous taxes, while redistributing the American workers’ income to bureaucrats in Washington, DC, and illegal aliens who he unconstitutionally issued amnesty to through royal edict. Using class warfare rhetoric straight out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” Obama pandered to the undefined “middle class,” saying, “this country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules,” as he fails to mention that his controlist policies have crushed the average Americans from every measurable statistic, including the 92 million Americans out of the work force, the most since the second worst president in American history, Jimmy Carter. Unlike fellow Democrat Bill Clinton, who after getting crushed by Republicans in 1994, ran to the middle, moderating and negotiating with the GOP to balance the budget and pass welfare reform (which Obama overturned with his “pen”), the scandal-ridden Obama preached his “equality” agenda, the very tyrannical scheme that Founding Father Samuel Adams warned against, prophetically warning about “The Utopian schemes of leveling.” “The Utopian schemes of leveling, and a community of goods, are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest as those which vest all property in the Crown. [These ideas] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional,” wrote Samuel Adams. With the cost of college already inflated to bubble-like levels thanks to taxpayer-funded subsidies, Obama is mashing down the accelerator through the floorboard, with a vote-buying scheme to further inflate the cost of college, as well as hosing taxpayers at the same time, a double-win for Obama, by proposing a plan that would offer “free” community college to certain students who met his arbitrary criteria, a plan that is estimated to cost taxpayers $60 BILLION over 10 years. The mainstream media will ignore the fact that to pay for the economically illiterate scheme, government would be breaking their own rules of “529″ college savings plans, which parents were promised would be able to be withdrawn tax-free as long as they were used to pay for college costs, another government bait and switch similar to the promise that Social Security was a retirement plan where you would have your own account that you could withdraw from in retirement. As we all know, crooked politicians from both parties spent the Social Security money, all done in for political greed. Obama said he is magically lowering the price of community college to “zero.” Can he use his “pen and phone” to do that for other expenses in life too? Maybe he could start with taxes. Keep in mind that government cost estimates, like Obamacare, which was passed based on a stack of Democrat lies, are almost always drastically underestimated. When Medicare was passed in 1965 under Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society,” government projected that the cost in 1990 would be $9 billion on Part A hospital costs. The actual cost in 1990 was $67 billion. Today, we have Parts A, B, C, and thanks to Republican George W. Bush, Part D. The total cost for Medicare in 2013 was $585.7 billion, not including other socialist entitlement programs, all of which threaten to bankrupt the nation. Obama was virtually silent on the mention of the rising threats of Islamic terrorism, as usual, and as would be expected. As was he silent on the over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities the nation suffers from, and the $18 trillion-dollar debt, $8 million that occurred under his reign. Samuel Adams also had a quote which should be heeded by the squishy moderate RINOs who make up much of the Republican Party, who were elected in November not to “get along” with Obama, but to stop his dictatorial reign. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who has become more of a chamber of crony capitalism, rather than a promoter of American free enterprise, should also take note: “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels of arms. Crouch down and like the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” Most Americans, who participated in drinking games like taking a drink every time Santa Obama said “equality” or “fairness” were soused by the time the speech was over. They didn’t miss much.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 10:30:19 +0000

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