BREAKING: Koch scandal ABC news reports that a Koch brothers - TopicsExpress


BREAKING: Koch scandal ABC news reports that a Koch brothers front group sent false voter registration information to hundreds of thousands of voters in North Carolina—a state that could decide control of the Senate. In an election too close to call that could determine control of the U.S. Senate, ABC News reports that hundreds of thousands of voters have received grossly incorrect voter registration information in the mail from the Koch brothers right-wing front group, Americans for Prosperity.1 Heres just some of whats in the mailing: The wrong deadline for registering to vote—cutting the registration window short by five days, critical for working families. The wrong office for questions on voter registration and the wrong zip code for turning in a voter registration form. False information about how voters will be notified of their precinct after they register to vote.2 This may be a felony—if the voter registration information is intentionally misleading and is found to discourage voters.3 And were preparing for possible legal action to hold the Koch-funded perpetrators accountable. If we dont fight back now, this mailing could tip the scales in North Carolina—one of the handful of states that will decide if Republicans take control of the Senate. We cant let them get away with it. At best, this is an egregious oversight that could mean thousands of eligible voters not registering to vote. At worst, its a cynical move by a right-wing organization to disenfranchise Democratic voters and steal a Senate seat—and maybe even control of the entire U.S. Senate. In either scenario, it demands a response. Our team spun into action as soon as this news broke, putting in motion possible legal action and contacting MoveOn members in North Carolina who may have received this mailing. Now, we need your support if were going to fight this injustice, set the record straight, and hold accountable the people responsible for deceiving voters. AFPs North Carolina director called the bad information his organization mailed out non-substantive and minor administrative errors.4,5 So-called minor errors—that could disenfranchise thousands of people !!!! Whatever the story behind the faulty voter registration forms, the fact remains that there are likely hundreds of thousands of potential voters being handed false information about voting less than six weeks before a major election. With sufficient funds, heres what well do to fight back: Well get ads on the radio and in community newspapers to give voters the correct information wherever the deceitful mailings were reported. Well prepare for possible legal action to hold the Koch-funded perpetrators accountable. If voter registration information is intentionally misleading and is found to discourage voters, providing that information could be a felony. Well organize MoveOns awesome volunteers to call voters in North Carolina to make sure they understand the stakes of this election and have access to accurate information. And well support voters in making their voices heard—to make this maneuver backfire. In 2012, when Republicans passed laws that turned voting into an obstacle course, some of the most affected communities—African Americans and Latinos—voted in greater numbers than in 2008, before voter suppression had become such a popular GOP tactic.6 We expect this campaign to cost around $80,000—and more if it becomes a legal battle. We expected wed be fighting voter suppression this election season, and budgeted accordingly—but we never expected something this outrageous. Thats why were asking for your help right now. Can you chip in $3 to help stop the Koch brothers, and the GOP from stealing the election? Yes, Ill chip in to make sure this Senate seat isnt being stolen through dirty tricks. Thanks for all you do. –Maria, Victoria, Jo, Brian, and the rest of the team GOOGLE : MOVEON.ORG and HELP !!! DO IT FOLKS !!! AMEN in the MOST HOLY and HONEST NAME of MY MOST PROGRESSIVE Middle working class Loving and ALL RACES and GENDER HEALTH caring MESSIANIC BRO : JESUS YESHUA ....... AMEN AMEN AMEN ... !!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 06:36:19 +0000

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