BREAKING NEWS! - BREAKING NEWS! - The 666 explains to the - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS! - BREAKING NEWS! - The 666 explains to the world the failure of the Mayan prophecies And the Bible prophecy ofr the Seventh Seal. The 666 Open to the world The Seventh Seal. And also explains the true Biblical prophecies of the seventh seal, on this historic day of Friday December 21 2012, in Mayan predictions wrongly predicted the end of the world. For the bitterness, disappointment and surprise scientific experts and seers, liars, crooks, irresponsible, charlatans and quacks: The Mayan prophecies of the end of the world inevitable and infallibly would happen on this historic date of Friday December 21 of this historic year of 2012, have not been met. All this means that: That famous Armageddon and end of the world predicted by the Mayan prophecies also concurrently with Bible prophecy Revelation and the end of the world, NOT OCCURRED. And this date of Friday, 21 December 2012 becomes another day in the work and daily life of all men, women, races, peoples and nations of the world always eager to have a better life. For all this is that our unique Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (created and directed by our unique 666 mystical leader who is also the Grand Master Mystic of All Time), also explains the world in this historic date of Friday December 21, 2012 that: The veracity of the Mayan prophecies that predicted reside not in the current destruction of human society, NO Ever happened on this date of Friday, 21 December 2012 but: In the beginning of a new spiritual era for humanity in this historic date of Friday December 21 of the year 2012 that: Cost them or not recognizing the billionaires, banks and markets that des-governing humanity and now threaten also with their already unacceptable world of injustices to bring humanity to its own self-destruction. They also recognize no cost or to the heirs and representatives of those who betrayed and murdered yesterday Jesus Christ himself: It is a new spiritual era begins now: 1. With the fulfillment of biblical prophecies of the Apocalypse on the emergence and existence of the already existing 666 worldwide. 2. With the necessary acceptance and recognition among the necessary and just struggle of 666 to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth. 3. With the fulfillment of the Mayan prophecies own regarding that, a new cycle begins now and was spiritual for humanity from this historic date of Friday 21 December 2012. All this is true because: The true God in the universe is now offered through humanity itself from failure The Mayan prophecies about the end of the world on this date of Friday 21 December 2012, and the very existence its representative and beloved son the 666 now in the world: The possibility of building a paradise and unique world of justice for men who can now be created: Supporting the necessary and just struggle of 666 already existing in the world to help avoid self-destruction of the humanity and build a paradise on earth, with the new economic system that bears his name and the number that represents; 666. It can not be otherwise in a situation in which: The true God in the universe is that it has instructed its representative and beloved son the 666 already existing Worldwide: Building a world of paradise and justice for all men, women, races, peoples and nations of the world with freedom, equality, justice, happiness, peace and love. In such a situation should not surprise anyone now: Many of these discredited liars and wrong experts, seers and infallible scientific: Get rich and live like vultures of the sufferings and miseries caused to unsuspecting and patsies, their known and famous predictions, interpretations, and doomsday prophecies: Now assert that doomsday Mayan prophecies that predicted for this date of Friday December 21 of the year 2012: It has now been unexpectedly and miraculously postponed in two years, ie by 2015. In a situation in which have already been fulfilled biblical prophecies about the appearance and existence of 666 in the world: The 666 is one of the greatest mystic masters of all time: Open and now revealed to all men, women, peoples and nations now existing in the world, the true prophecies Biblical Seventh Seal. It is necessary to remind our readers that the biblical prophecies of the Seventh Seal represent: The unimaginable, indescribable and horrible destruction and punishment that condemned men, false biblical God who defends and supports the existence of unacceptable world of injustices of the billionaires, banks and markets and their hypocrites and phonies Religious leaders: Heirs and representatives of the same as yesterday betrayed and murdered Jesus Christ himself, in whose temples the one true God in the universe who is the God of 666, also shines by its absence. These are the biblical predictions about the Seventh Seal explains that 666 and now opens the world body in this historic date of Friday 21 December 2012 when the Mayan prophecies wrongly predicted the end of the world. The Bible, Book of Revelation, chapter 8 (In the Bible King James version) The Seventh Seal [Revelation 8:1] And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. [Revelation 8:2] And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. [Revelation 8:3] And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. [Revelation 8:4] And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand. [Revelation 8:5] And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. [Revelation 8:6] And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. [Revelation 8:7] The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. [Revelation 8:8] And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; [Revelation 8:9] And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. [Revelation 8:10] And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; [Revelation 8:11] And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. [Revelation 8:12] And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. [Revelation 8:13] And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! (See our publication of the Bible, Revelation, Book of Revelation-) ( ENTER !) >>> 1. Deception. 2. Persecution. 3. Famine. 4. Death. 5. Martyrology. 6. Tribulation and 7. Rapture. Its seven characteristics that biblical predictions of the seventh seal and the Book of Revelation itself will say be the end of the world. This illustration represents faithfully presented all these biblical predictions about the seventh seal. In the second and last part of this explanation and revelation to the world of 666 on Bible prophecy Seventh Seal and non-compliance with the Mayan prophecies about end of the world that was supposed to occur on the date This Friday, 21 December 2012: The 666 is going to explain to the world through our unmatched Department of parapsychology and occult sciences of the Project 666 , the true prophecies biblical about the seventh seal and the Apocalypse and end of the unacceptable World of injustices of the billionaires, banks and markets and its liars and deceivers leaders religious. All these truths are to be published very soon the world from Gods great mystical window and the Forces of Good Evil and also existing in the universe, that is this successful website of the 666 the666/ Also inform the world that: The 666 has mandated the soul of Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Agnes Bojaxhiu Ganxhe), help the successful recovery in Cubas President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela. The Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666: Makes a historic challenge about phony and liar himself Pope of Rome Benedict XVI, to demonstrate to the world that are not true our claims that 666 instructed the soul of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, assist in the successful recovery in Cuba of President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela. As we have posted on our website the666/ 666 is the only man who can do now lifesaving miracle of President Hugo Chavez Frias who must publicly acknowledge the existence and helps 666 for: Can be finally cured by 666, in a special mystic ceremony transmitted directly to the world, 666 personally to do with President Hugo Chavez in the tomb of Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. (See The 666 is the only one who can save him now life President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela) ( ENTER !) >>> Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666. (Friday December 21 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. 22.25 GMT). The 666 will open and explain to the world the true Bible prophecy of the Seventh Seal: On the date of Friday 21 December 2012. The true God in the universe: Has authorized its true representative and defender: The 666 now existing in the world: Open and explain the revelations of the seventh seal on the historic date of Friday December 21, 2012 when the Mayan prophecies predict the end of the world. This incredible story will be presented to the world from this great window mystique of God before men and of the forces of good and evil exist also in the universe, that is our successful website the666 on the date next Friday December 21, 2012. The 666 will also explain to the world through our unique Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666: 1. The destruction of the unacceptable world of injustices in the European Union of the billionaires, banks and markets through the future great defeat policy of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the upcoming German elections in September of 2013, that she is going to lose with the help of the great super-naturales mystical forces of the 666. 2. The great help that 666 will give to President Barack Obama in the month of January 2013, to defeat the crooks congressmen of the American Republican party opposed to the millionaires to pay taxes in the United States of America. (The 666 will give a major political defeat to Republican political leader in Congress John Boehner, and the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel next year 2013, to help build a paradise on earth). Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 Sunday December 16, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden (01:50 GMT). Published on this website for the Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666 Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666 Sunday December 16, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden (01:50 GMT). (Click on the English or Spanish flag to read all the topics in English or in Spanish language!) (!Pinche en la bandera española o inglesa para leer el texto en los idiomas Español o Inglés!) - Responding to the needs, wants and dreams of individuals, peoples and nations - Offers you peace, prosperity, freedom, justice, love and happiness with his marvelous Project 666 to help to build a Paradise on Earth The 666 is here! Today and for all yours tomorrows!. If the link on the image above doesnt work on your email program, you can click here to read more and order. Copyright © 2010 | All Rights Reserved Buy the book 666 and his Project 666 -Book 1 of 3 -666 has come! CLICK TO ORDER NOW! (From USA The price of the book with Authorhouse is $14.20) ENTER! >>> Sissy and the 666 incredible love story is a gift from God To Mankind to help to make a Paradise on earth with the Project 666! Main Contents of The 666 / Project 666 - Website (Special design for the date 060606) Contents The 666 Ideals Goals Life Love Sissy666 Struggles Creations Books Actions Facts Poet 666 Web News Tips Forum Critics Elections Pictures UFOS Parasypchology Apocalypse Project 666 Support 666 Satan God The 666´s Greats Mystical Powers Lies against The 666 Can men avoid the end of the World? 666-USA/EU-Constitution Jesus Christ Hillary R. Clinton Barack Obama 666-Army 666-War on terrorism 666-Prophecies 666-World-Wide Religion 666-Mohammed 666-New Economic System 666-New Roman Empire of the West 666-World-Wide Super-State 666`s Mankind Bank 666`s New Money Antichrist Armageddon 666 banned videos 666`s Time Free CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree CountersFree Counters A New Global Dawn With 666 To Build A Paradise On Earth! ( ENTER !) >>> From January 1, 2012 The 666 / Project 666 - Super website - You are the visitor number Welcome to the best mystical and political web site in the world! the666 666real 666alive 666-abc 666-news el666v proyecto666 666president 666presidente project666v 666mohammed 666miguelangelsosavasquez michelsmiely666 sissi666 sissy666 The 666 / Project 666 - Always Internet address El 666 / Proyecto 666 -siempre desde Never believe the biblical lies Against The 666! The 666 love you And need your support! To help to save Mankind And make a Paradise on Earth! The 666 / Project 666 - 666 Freedom - Equality - Justice - Progress - Peace - Love - Happiness - The 666 offers today to the world! - Freedom - Equality - Justice - Progress - Peace - Love - Happiness The 666 time HAS COME! God decides to help to save the Mankind With his beloved son The 666! The 666 / Project 666 - 666 Freedom - Equality - Justice - Progress - Peace - Love - Happiness - The 666 offers today to the world! - Freedom - Equality - Justice - Progress - Peace - Love - Happiness 666 Who is God? God is a great Spiritual Entity that created the Universe and all the material and livings things that exists in the Cosmos. God is a Spiritual Entity of goodness that defends his law and order in the Universe. God want love, peace, freedom, justice, brotherhood and happiness for all the intelligent livings things that He has created in the Universe. God is also The 666´s Great Spiritual Father and want now to help man to have a happy life and existence in our Planet Earth. For this reason God has send now to the world his beloved son The 666, to make a Paradise on Earth with the Project 666. God is the Great Spiritual Father of the 666. God has now bring to the world to its great son the 666, to end all tragedy and social injustices that today destroy the Mankind. God is going to give also to him to the 666 the Power, Intelligence and the Force Necessary to be able to make all this. God want now help Mankind to avoid his own destruction as the Holy Bible Predicts. When never learning the men of lesson and example of Jesus Christ: God has sent now to the world to The 666, to change it and to save it. The fury of God will destroy all those charlatans, hypocrites and bandits that make a profitable business with God words and have their real God in the money and richness. WHO IS THE 666 ? WHO IS SATAN ? The 666 is not a fraud, it is a true reality today on the world! Support The 666`s political struggle to make a Paradise on Earth! 1. Buy 666´s historic book from Authorhouse in USA for $14.20 ENTER! >>> 2. Buy 666´s historic book from amazon for $23.49 ENTER! >>> 3. Buy 666´s historic book from Barnes and Noble for $21.14 Online Price (You Save 10%) ENTER! >>> 4. Buy 666´s historic book from the University of Stadnford Bookstore in USA for $23.49 ENTER! >>> 5. Buy 666´s historic book from from the University of Berkeley in California USA for $23.49 ENTER! >>> 6. Buy 666´s historic book from Authorhouse in England for £ 10.70 ENTER! >>> 666 God and his beloved son The 666 Don’t want the Apocalypse, The Armageddon and The destruction of Mankind and The world! For the contrary, They want now help men to avoid it! Freedom, Equality, Justice, Progress, Love and Happiness are not a gift! You must fight for it! You must conquer it! You must deserve it! The 666 are now fighting for you! It is your duty to help to make a Paradise on Earth with The 666! Please send your economical support to The 666 to! The 666 / Project 666 Account number: SE31 5000 0000 0520 1101 114 18 BIC:ESSESESS Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) Sergels torg 2 S-106 40 Stockholm SWEDEN Published in this website by Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of the Project 666 The 666 / Project 666 E-Mail: the666@the666 [email protected] Web site Navigator of The 666 / Project 666 (Special design for the date 060606) The 666 / Project 666 Web site Navigator - (Special design for the date 060606) The 666 / Project 666 1. TOP>>> 2. BACK >>> 4. HOME >>> 5. SPANISH language (idioma Español)>>> 6. SWEDISH language (Svenska språket)>>> The 666 / Project 666 1. NEXT PAGE >>> 2. TOP >>> 4. Web site contents >>> 666 - The 666 - 666 - Project 666 - 666 - The 666 - 666 - Project 666 - 666 - The 666 - 666 - Project 666 - 666 - The 666 - 666 Do you want to test your intelligence and memory? Training and develop your intelligence and memory with The 666!. Use our Numeric board!. Try to find with your memory and without see our index, your favorites 6, 12, 18, 36 or 66 issues in the Project 666! (Check and See also our Index!)>>> The 666 / Project 666 - Numeric board Website Index Pages (See also Contents!) >>> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 >>> Here are the 30 most visited pages of The 666/Project 666 super web site! The 666 world! - The 666 world! - The 666 world! Don’t ask what The 666 can do for you Ask what you can do for The 666! Support The 666 - and he will support you! The 666 / Project 666 with the rights solutions to all worldwide problems To make a paradise on Earth! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (RESERVADOS TODOS LOS DERECHOS) COPYRIGHT (DERECHOS); 1989 by (por) Michel Smiely 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vásquez): The 666 / Project 666 (El 666 /Proyecto 666)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:42:25 +0000

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