BREAKING NEWS: A new lawsuit filed by Center for Food Safety (CFS) - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS: A new lawsuit filed by Center for Food Safety (CFS) demands that federal documents be released which might incriminate the United States Department of Agriculture over findings that GMO were harmful, while shielding the public from this knowledge. SURE DOES MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOUR GOV HAS YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND DOESNT IT. Read this little rant. It is reality. Get to know it. Could be about Monsanto or the Nuclear Industry. They are all tied to the military industrial complex. Truth NOT given to you to protect those involved in the military industrial complex. THIS IS REALLY, REALLY, WRONG. WE NEED A SHIFT IN OUR COUNTRY TO PUT PEOPLE BEFORE PROFITS. More people need to wake up to all of this. As Former General and President Eisenhower warned all the way back in 1961 about the military industrial complex: “Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” Watch this youtube/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY quick analysis of the speech here: youtube/watch?v=Gg-jvHynP9Y and if you have a minute, read the whole speech here. Eye opening and prophetic. Well worth your time .” It even warns about what is to come, a desire by some to “cure every ill in agriculture” (MONSANTO) LOOKS LIKE THE TRUTH ON GMOS JUST MIGHT BE REVEALED SOON. NUCLEAR IS ANOTHER BRANCH OF THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT AS WELL. The nuclear industry says they are safe and clean b/c they have thoughts of every possibility in terms of potential nuclear catastrophes and that is exactly why you should love having 100 nuclear reactor ticking time bombs scattered all over your United States of If that is really indeed the case, that they have thought of 100% of every possibility, why has almost 1,000 days already passed with no resolution to Fukushima? And our NRC says they are so perfect that a nuclear disaster like Fukushima could never happen in the US. REALLY??? The NRC was born out of the AEC which just like the NRC themselves are a pronuclear agency. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=476349709150599&set=pb.150882998363940.-2207520000.1384606600.&type=3&theater A pro nuclear agency that gets to oversee the nuclear industry! Most of the NRC are former military who worked nuclear before from that perspective before arriving at the NRC. They will never be 100% truthful to us because their #1 goal has been, and continues to be, an advocate for their industry. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission cannot avoid bias. It is natural when you are pro something. Along those lines, their bias is to put the profits of the nuclear industry ahead of the rights and well being of people. When they do their cost vs. benefit analysis on things, the amount of money it would cost to fix our Fukushima style reactors and the aging ones to make them more safe just doesnt make sense to them. Much easier just to push the ones they currently have way beyond their intended life spans which is exactly what is going on right now. The NRC says the chances are unlikely that something bad will happen so lets not spend the money on the fixes. And what does the NRC do when one of the guys on the commission after Fukushima wakes up and really wants to protect people no matter what it will cost the industry?? They kick him to the curb. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=476337235818513&set=pb.150882998363940.-2207520000.1384606600.&type=3&theater This kind of bias exists all the way at the top of the world too, at places like the UN https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=476056995846537&set=pb.150882998363940.-2207520000.1384606600.&type=3&theater Photo Credit:
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:28:05 +0000

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