BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS!! BREAKING NEWS!!! ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON HON DAISI ELEMIDE FOILED. Information at my finger tips indicated that 8 hired assassins this evening bombarded the private farm of Hon Oludaisi Elemide from Odeda State Constituency. In their attempt to snif life out of the perceived enemy of Senator Ibikunle Amosun, the assassins came ti Elemides farm with gun, cudgels and juju. They had taken possession of the farm. Seized the phones of the workers of the farm and kept all the workers under strict surveillance but unknowing to the assassins, one of the workers was already out of the hold of the assassins and so, he raised distress call to Elemide who from his office in the farm, alerted the team of security personnel. 6 were arrested out of the 8 assassins and as I speak they are currently undergoing interrogation at police station. You will all recall that an alarm was raised against the live of perceived enemies of the governor. His e-ants thereafter, came up to say na lie . Let all be vigilant of the blood tasty governor of Ogun State.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:57:06 +0000

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