BREAKING NEWS! GOOD NEWS!! GREAT NEWS!!!! WE KNOW THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABLE, CAPABLE, DOGGED AND FEARLESS. #NEXT SENATOR Prof OBIARAERI, NNAMDI ONYEKA, Agunaechemba, Owelle Okigwe • ACCOMPLISHED LAWYER, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR OF THE SUPREME COURT OF NIGERIA SINCE OCTOBER 1987 • INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SCHOLAR AND JURIST • SUAVE POLITICIAN, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ANALYST • DOGGED HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST AND DEFENDER OF THE OPPRESSED #CUTTING-EDGE ADVANTAGE • WE are favoured by intergenerational equity and possess the requisite political experience, physical and mental agility, critical professional competences and cognate private and public sector experiences and capabilities to make impactful representation and command congressional respect in the Red Chambers of the National Assembly. #MISSION AND VISION • WE believe that the law is and should be an effective instrument for social engineering. WE believe that the living socio-economic conditions of our people are not in tandem with our GOD given resources and that proactive laws are key to sustainable development, peace and progress. WE believe that we can and should use our laws to build strong institutions, wipe out corruption and create maximum happiness for the greater majority. WE believe that strong people masquerading as leaders do not and should not have a pride of place in our national political space and that our laws can be retooled so that people in authority shall hold power on trust for the masses. • WE shall have “Human Capital Development” as our priority focusing on youth and women empowerment. Youth are leaders of tomorrow beginning from NOW! • WE shall use our legal and forensic expertise to be frontline vanguard for repeal of obsolete, anachronistic and archaic laws and promote promulgation of new and contemporary legislations to midwife pan-Nigerian sustainable development milestones. • WE shall play and encourage Digital Developmental Politics for effective nation building laced with responsible and responsive representation, commendable advocacy and erudition. #OUR WORD IS OUR BOND Leaders do not begin to serve, until they put service in their leadership. Leaders do not begin to lead until they put followership in their leadership. To lead is to follow. Truly, Okigwe Zone deserves strong representation, a vibrant and highly knowledgeable voice to stem the tide of under representation and outrageous marginalization at both state and national scheme of things. Prof Obiaraeri, Nnamdi Onyeka (AGUNAECHEMBA, OWELLE OKIGWE) is tried, tested, trusted and experienced. He is an uncompromising and fearless defender of Okigwe zone, Imo State and Nigerian interest and a man generally acknowledged as possessing an impeccable track record of patriotic insight and foresight built on diligence, hard work and profound morality. see nigeriahornnewspapers/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2891:deportation-of-igbos-from-lagos-state-is-a-rape-on-the-nigerian-constitution-and-a-crime-against-humanity&catid=59:issues #LAST WORD I am not competing with anybody but I am hungry for success and therefore continuously striving to improve my circumstance in life and that of humanity with my GOD given ability and prowess. Should you get there before me, do accept my congratulations... Life is an express road and overtaking is allowed. No reckless or dangerous driving please. As I am already ahead of you, be kind enough to horn before you overtake and patient enough to wait for me at the arena of success!!!! (Adapted and Adopted)! WHEN WE WIN, AS WE WILL, WE WILL BE MAGNANIMOUS IN VICTORY AND GENEROUS ENOUGH TO SIGN AUTOGRAPHS!!!!! There is something in it for everybody…Yagazierem, Yagaziere Gi, Yagaziere Okigwe!!!!!!!!!!! SO HELP US GOD!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 03:55:23 +0000

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