BREAKING NEWS INEC TO DISQUALIFY WILLI OBIANO FROM ANAMBRA STATE GUBER ELECTION FOR DOUBLE REGISTRATION The All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA)’s office in Awka has been thrown into turmoil today as news filtered into the state that their Governorship candidate in the forth-coming Guber election in the state faces disqualificaton as a result of the doubble voters registration in the possession of Willi Obiano It was discovered few days ago that Willi Obiano procured INEC voters card in Lagos sometime ago and also went ahead to procure another voters card at his home town Aguleri to enable him vote in Anambra state in the forth-coming Guber election in the state thereby registering twice with INEC The normal Standard Operating Procedure would have been that an indigen of Anambra State that registered outside the state to transfer his/her INEC voters registeration to Anambra state through INEC to enable such a person to vote. But Willi Obiano opted out to secretly register twice instead of transfering his voters card to the state thereby commiting an Electoral offense punishable by law. The Nigerian Electoral Act stipulates that A PERSON WHO IS IN POSSESSION OF MORE THAN ONE VALID VOTERS CARD IF COUGHT IS LIABLE ON CONVICTION TO A MAXIMUM FINE OF 100,000 NAIRA OR 12 MONTHS IMPRISONMENT OR BOTH If investigated,Mr Willi Obiano will be arrested for electoral fraud and disqualified from contesting the guber election in Anambra State But in a smart move to hide this fraud,Anambra State Government and some APGA stalwarts pressurised one Prof Onukogu,a Resident Electoral Commissioner to delete the lagos voters card from INEC’s server to cover-up the fraud. While Prof Onukogu was hesistant,the State Govt placed a call to Mr Chidi,the head of the ICT Dept of INEC in Anambra State to delete Willi Obianos name from the Aguleri register As at the time of writing this report,APGA chieftains are still running around looking for a way to either cover this fraud or delete either the Lagos voters card or the Aguleri Voters Card from INEC Computerised register As this scene unfolds,the whole world is watching INEC and Prof Jega to see if the INEC boss will allow his commission to cover this fraud or tow the path of Justice to ensure that WIlLLI OBIANO IS DISQUALIFIED FOR ELECTORAL FRAUD AND RECOMMENDED FOR ARREST Dr Nnamdi Umeasiegbu HUMAN RIGHTS AND ELECTORAL WATCH AWKA
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:41:59 +0000

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