BREAKING NEWS ! Mr. FALAI BALDEH RECONCILES WITH AMBASSADOR MOMODOU TANGARA gambiaradio December 12, 2014 In an initial gesture of reaching out for peace and reconciliation to the leadership and members of the APRC government of the Gambia, Mr. Falai Baldeh a Gambian opposition activist living in the Bronx, New York, on this December day of the 11th, 2014, paid a curtesy call to Ambassador Momodou Tangara’s office in New York City where he humbly asked to be forgiven for the regrettable confrontation that occurred in the past between them. Accompanied by Imam Alhagie Bouli Hydara, Mr. Mboke Camara, Mr.Mark Covo, Amadou Barry, Haji Jallow and Mr. Bubacarr Susokho, all living with him in the Bronx and in attendance were Mr. Gibril Fadia APRC chairman in the State of Rhode Island, USA, Samsudeen Sarr of Newark, New Jersey, Musa Sillah, Financial attaché, Babou Samba, and Marta Njie all staff members of the mission, the former two rivals, after the introductory protocol of identifying everybody, followed by a solemn prayer offered by the notable Bronx Imam, exchanged touching emotional pleasantries and warm handshakes symbolizing their satisfaction of having to reconcile their differences. Speaking in a tone charged with emotions and sincerity, Mr. Baldeh made it clear to the Ambassador that he was not just there to apologize to him for their past difference but in addition to that wanted the Gambian-United-Nations representative to extend a special message of his apology to President Yahya Jammeh as well. “After witnessing what hostile political difference has done to countries like Libya, Tunisia and the like” Mr. Baldeh continued, “ I have now chosen to support nothing but political civility for peace and prosperity which I think is enjoyed by all Gambians today.” He has therefore vowed not to ever go back to that political life, exemplified by constant anger, frustration and unnecessary confrontation. Imam Hydara also added some words of wisdom to the discussion by first assuring everybody his confidence in the leadership of President Yahya Jammeh whom be believes has nothing but good intentions for the Gambia and its people. His decision to attend the meeting was, in his own words, to help in every way he could to ensure that it was a success because of his strong ties with both Mr. Baldeh and Ambassador Tangara. As a matter of fact when the Ambassador first assumed responsibility over the mission, he was the Imam he invited together with his religious colleagues to conduct a special prayer for them and the Gambia at large. Mr. Mokea Camara another peace-loving Gambian also emphasized the need to encourage more Gambians like Mr. Baldeh to emulate his resolve of adopting a better approach to their political demands. The Gambia, he said, belongs to every one of us and should be treated as a treasured property that must be kept in safety for our children tomorrow. “I have always encouraged Mr. Falai Baldeh to join hands with the government of President Yahya Jammeh in their noble quest to take the country forward”, he said. And he went on to express his gladness for witnessing a wonderful phenomenon characterized by genuine humbleness and good spirits. Mr. Gibril Fadia added his input by reiterating the need for every Gambian abroad to render his or her support to the leadership and government at home which he said was doing a brilliant work in developing the nation for the better. He thinks that it is only through supporting them that one could also register one’s concerns over what the president and his government could do better for the common good of the country. But antagonizing the government and still expect it to attend to your political needs or concerns has never worked out anywhere in the world and shouldn’t be expected to work in the Gambia either. He was very happy about the efforts and resolve taken by Mr. Baldeh to embrace such initiative. Another attendee Samsudeen Sarr after commending Mr Baldeh for his courageous idea of reaching out for reconciliation with the APRC government, spoke along the lines of encouraging more Gambians in the diaspora to adopt the same roadmap. He told Mr. Baldeh to hold his head high for believing in what is realistic, in the same he had done in the past, leading to his reconciliation effort with President Jammeh three months ago. He thanked Ambassador Tangara as well for opening his doors to the attendees with a sense of trust and acceptance reminiscent of a God-fearing leader and a good servant of the people. And last but not the least, Ambassador Tangara took the floor and as predictable, assured Mr, Baldeh that he had forgiven him completely. He even went on to state that soon after the incident, he became aware that Mr. Baldeh was an uncle to one of his closest friends in New York which he said if he had known before, would have compelled him to take extraordinary measures to avoid that confrontation. He thanked Mr. Baldeh for coming to his office and urged him to make a statement directly to President Jammeh over anything he wanted to tell him. Mr. Baldeh once again asked the Ambassador to convey his message of genuine friendship to President Jamnmeh with the guarantee of never to betray that trust. He felt that it is only through friendship that he can positively contribute to the welfare of the Gambia that he truly loves. He said he was as well begging him to be merciful and pardon the political prisoners in the Gambia. On a final note it is deemed important to underscore the important roles played by the members of staff of the Gambian mission in Washington DC where Mr. Baldeh had first reached out for their cooperation through Mr. Momodou Njie, a young Gambian in Maryland constantly in pursuit of a more civil approach toward Gambia’s political future. Upon reaching the Embassy in Washington, His Excellency the acting Ambassador Mr. Shiekh Omar Faye and his diligent assistant Mr. Pierre Minteh welcomed the idea but thought it more judicious for Mr. Baldeh to first settle his difference with the Gambia’s UN head of mission in New York City, His Excellency Ambassador Momodou Tangara. They had believed that it was the first most ideal step to undertake before exploring further measures to realize the main objective. And thank God, things went well in the way anticipated. The meeting was closed with payers led by Imam Boulie Hydara
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 11:23:24 +0000

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