BREAKING NEWS: NAIROBI MEN SLEEP LATE CLEANING UP ON FACEBOOK Nairobi men were awake until the wee hours of the morning cleaning up their trails on Facebook as a new Facebook group Deadbeat Kenya started a few days ago and went viral within 48 hours, registering over 30,000 members, with evidence of more than 80,000 peeping in for updates. The administrator had this to say: DBK is a group that allows people to highlight men and women who have run away from their parental responsibilities. The goal is to name and shame them into doing the right thing, and also to link up with other members who may help trace those who have literally run away. We post pictures, scans of court orders, and any relevant documents provided. Facebook said that in the 10 hours from 6pm Thursday to 4am Friday morning, 60,000 Facebook accounts were deleted in the larger Nairobi area- 58,000 of them belonging to men and the rest to women and people who had not indicated their gender. 115,000 pictures were pulled from Facebook servers and 43,000 accounts, mostly mens, had their privacy settings changed. Soshio Midia, a 32 year-old regular Facebook user from Nairobi told us, I logged on this morning and 90% of my male friends had ghost profiles meaning that their profile pictures were blank. Another five percent had flowers, the Kenyan flag, animals, and other random pictures. This DBK is the real deal. I have also realized I have shifty friends. Safaricoms MPESA also reported heightened activity between new number-pairs (these are mobile phone numbers that have never sent money to one another) as people rushed to get current on their child support. There is continuing tension in Nairobi- and increased condom sales- as the administrators have promised to start a new group within the next few weeks called Hes Forcing Me To Abort His Baby. Additional Reporting by Troll Mulika
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 07:22:50 +0000

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