BREAKING NEWS: SAUDIS ARE PLANNING TO DEMOLISH THE GREEN DOME AND REMOVE THE BODY OF THE HOLY PROPHET (SAWS) FROM THE GRAVE AND TRANSFER IT INTO AN ANONYMOUS GRAVE IN JANNATUL BAQI. THIS ACT IS BLASPHEMOUS AND OUTRAGEOUS. BUT WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THIS? Like it or not, part of the blame falls on the so called Scholars of Ahle Sunnah and their followers who like to call themselves Ahle Sunnah Muslims. There is a huge faction amongst Ahle Sunnah that likes to remain quiet on these issues. They chant slogans of love for the Holy Prophet (SAWS) and host huge Mawlidun Nabi (SAWS) events. But when it comes to such a serious situation, they turn their backs to it and like to pretend that it doesnt exist. Some scholars and their followers say its best to leave this issue in the hands of Allah or in the hands of Imaam Mehdi (AS) as they say they cant do much about it. Others, just completely keep shut up and pretend like this is not happening. Why do they do this? Its either because they are afraid of persecution and alienation in the hands of the Saudis or because they hold Saudi funding more dear to them instead of their Holy Prophet (SAWS). They are fine with whatever Saudis do as long as they dont run out of Saudi funding. Let me make one thing very clear, if you belong to such a faction and you are reading my post and then turning a blind eye to this situation still, then your Imaan will be questioned by Allah (SWT) on the day of Qiyamah. How can I say this with confidence? Because if you have even a spec of Imaan in your heart, you cannot bare to read this news and you definitely will speak up against it. So to all the scholars and their followers who belong to this faction. Its about time they do their Tawbah and start speaking against the Saudi Regime. How can our scholars help: 1) Its needless to say that our scholars have a huge following among Ahle Sunnah. Their one public call for protest against the Saudis is enough to ignite the hearts of thousands of Muslims around the world. If the scholars forget their differences and jointly condemn the Saudis publicly for these heinous crimes, then certainly will the Saudi Government feel the ground shake beneath their feet. 2) Scholars can also give a call for Muslims to stage public protests against the Saudi Regime in front of their embassies around the globe. Such protests will be very helpful and we will achieve our goal quicker. How can their followers, the general Muslims of the world help: 1) Social Media is obviously the no.1 tool for the common man. Taking on the social media with #PreserveIslamicHeritage tag and making it viral will put lots of pressure on the Saudi Regime. 2) Close followers of scholars who stay in touch with them should try urging their scholars to speak up on this matter. 3) People can also distribute pamphlets in front of mosques after Jumah prayers to spread awareness amongst Masses. You can also urge the Imaams of your local mosques to speak on these issues in the Jumah taqreer. This will help spread mass awareness on the ground level with people who are not aware of social media or such issues. 4) People can also send letters of Protest to the Saudi Embassies around the world. All the methods mentioned above have worked miracles and shown great results for us in the past. But the bigger the situation, the higher is the need for us to be louder on these issues. In Conclusion: I apologize to anyone if I have hurt their feelings in anyway with this post. That is not my intention. My intention is to wake up this sleeping faction in Ahle Sunnah. It is necessary to understand the gravity of the situation we are facing. If we dont act now, then we are faced with the permanent exile of Islam. Demolishing and abusing our Prophet (SAWS)s grave means demolishing Islam itself from the face of this planet. Which is the ultimate goal of the Salafi Zionists. Its time we act. Its now or never.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 13:49:37 +0000

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