BREAKING NEWS: South Carolina legislature passes bill to nullify - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS: South Carolina legislature passes bill to nullify the unconstitutional federal ban on hemp farming. S839 is off to Gov. Haleys desk for a signature. #hemp #southcarolina COLUMBIA, S.C., May 14, 2014 - Today, the South Carolina House gave final approval to a bill which authorizes the growing and production of industrial hemp within the state, effectively nullifying the unconstitutional federal ban on the same. Introduced by Sen. Kevin Bryant along with cosponsors Sen. Lee Bright and Sen. Tom Davis, S.0839 passed by a 72-28 vote. It has previous passed by a vote of 42-0 in the senate, and will now go to Gov. Nikki Haley’s desk for a signature. The bill reads, in part, “It is lawful for an individual to cultivate, produce, or otherwise grow industrial hemp in this State to be used for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, the manufacture of industrial hemp products, and scientific, agricultural, or other research related to other lawful applications for industrial hemp.” Three states – Colorado, Oregon and Vermont – have already passed similar measures. Farmers in SE Colorado started harvesting the plant in 2013, effectively nullifying federal restrictions on such agricultural activities. A similar bill passed the Tennessee legislature this year and awaits action from Gov. Haslam. Young Americans for Liberty Ron Paul, Hemp Vote Hemp Hemp Hemp News blog.tenthamendmentcenter/2014/05/south-carolina-passes-bill-to-nullify-federal-hemp-ban/
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 03:20:57 +0000

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