BREAKING NEWS! Ted Cruz: No Easy Confirmation for Holder’s - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS! Ted Cruz: No Easy Confirmation for Holder’s Replacement...Read the latest now on NO MORE CRIMES AGAINST AMERICA: Any other president would be impeached but Congress has refused to do so. Its up to us to make it happen. Now more than ever we have to keep intense pressure on to remove this anti-American fraud of a president from office. Weve been lied to repeatedly, had our Constitutional rights violated at every turn, been subjected to the whims of a dictator and watched our country and our liberties be torn to shreds. What can we do? Donate to the Tea Party today to strike down the enemy in the White House. Help us get him OUT! OUST THE KING WITH A PINK SLIP TO EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS! Tell every lawmaker in the House and Senate that it is high time to IMPEACH OBAMA! Hes done nothing but disgrace the office of the president of the United States with his egregious acts of treason and tyranny and trampling of the Constitution. Obama is responsible for so many reckless and lawless acts we cant even count how many anymore. Send a PINK SLIP to every member of Congress warning them: PUT THE PRESIDENT ON NOTICE THAT HE WILL BE IMPEACHED FOR HIS CRIMES AGAINST AMERICA...OR YOU ARE OUT OF OFFICE! Do it today, time is running out. Thanks. It means a lot to know you’ve got my back. Steve Eichler CEO Tea Party P.S. - We are almost out of time. Help us save America by signing the IMPEACH OBAMA petition now! Let Congress know that Obama has committed the whopper of all egregious violations of law with the release of the 5 Taliban terrorists and We the People are done with him. Lawmakers know they have to do something. Its up to us to push them over the top. Sign it here. P.S.S. - Its hard to believe but there are still friends, neighbors and loved ones who have no idea just how much Obama wants to destroy America. They still dont know about the VA scandal, the IRS targeting or even the terrorists for traitor deal. We must let people know. Donate today to our call campaign so we can expose Americas most dangerous president and reveal the truth about his treachery.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 23:39:05 +0000

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