*** BREAKING NEWS*** You WILL NOT.... I repeat.... You WILL NOT - TopicsExpress


*** BREAKING NEWS*** You WILL NOT.... I repeat.... You WILL NOT see results until you LET GO of your excuses!! Excuses are VERY easy to make and VERY easy to hang onto. We all have them. Its being able to overcome any obstacle that is going to make you successful. I recently went through a very rough period, emotionally. My fertility and other medical issues were weighing heavy on my heart, and I made every excuse in the book as to why my body wasnt changing. I have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) which makes it EXTREMELY difficult to lose weight, especially belly fat. I was never considered overweight, but I hold onto EVERYTHING in my midsection. I also have tumors on my uterus. These tumors can cause bloating and extreme swelling in the abdomen area. In my head, these were the reasons I couldnt get to the point where I wanted to be. In the past couple months, I decided to take control of what was going on with my body. I literally need to be mindful of everything I eat. No, I dont eat perfectly. But Im aware of what certain foods will do to me if I eat them. If I still want it, I eat it. I just dont want it that often anymore, because it doesnt coincide with my goals. I keep up with my workout schedule..... Most of the time. Im also not perfect with my workouts. To tell you the truth, I hate working out. But I love the feeling I have afterward, so to me, its worth it. I decided to stop letting my issues hold me back. Stop using them as EXCUSES as to why I cant achieve my goals. I cannot believe this is my body. No, Im not quite where I want to be just yet. But I am further than I ever imagined being. I have never felt as comfortable in my skin as I do now. I got the best compliment the other day. Someone said to me Wow! You look great. I can tell youve been working out.... But you know what looks best about you? You look SO happy. Happier than you ever have before. And I am. My life isnt always sunshine and rainbows, but Im doing everything in my power to live my life the way I want to.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:18:44 +0000

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