BREAKING: Obama Appoints Man With NO Medical Training the “Ebola - TopicsExpress


BREAKING: Obama Appoints Man With NO Medical Training the “Ebola Czar” [DETAILS] President Obama announced this morning that a former White House official who worked for Vice Presidents Al Gore and Joe Biden would serve as his “Ebola czar.” The president appointed Ron Klain — an attorney with no medical training — in an environment of heightened concerns about the deadly hemorrhagic fever from the American public and its representatives in Congress and new revelations that the president knew about the threat and yet chose to do nothing about it, even lying to the American people about its reality. Klain will report directly to Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco and National Security Adviser Susan Rice, according to The Washington Times (H/T Todd Starnes). Klain appears to have no public health experience, although the White House hailed his “strong management credentials, extensive federal government experience overseeing complex operations and good working relationships with leading members of Congress, as well as senior Obama administration officials, including the president.” Oh, good. Another Obama insider. That’s just what this administration needs. Click here to get a FREE subscription to the Conservative Tribune. Democrats, needless to say, were overjoyed. “I’ve known Ron Klain for over twenty years. He is smart, aggressive, and levelheaded — exactly the qualities we need in a czar to steer our response to Ebola,” New York Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer told The Times. “He is an excellent choice.” University of Richmond law professor Carl Tobias, who tracks judicial appointments, said Klain’s Washington experience would serve him well in the new roll. “I think he really does know his way around Washington better than a whole lot of people,” he said. We hate to interrupt all the self-congratulatory comments from Democrats who have finally listened to the American people — sort of — and taken at least some step towards indicating that it takes the Ebola threat seriously, but there’s an important question that needs to be asked. Washington caused this problem. It’s a direct result of this president and his administration’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge or address a problem for political reasons. What in the world makes anyone think that adding yet another Washington insider to the mix is going to help? How To Remove Dark Spots Add Curb Appeal Kitchen Remodeling Estimates Sponsored by RevContent Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that the last thing America needs to address Ebola is another Washington bureaucrat. Share on Facebook
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:03:08 +0000

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