BREAKING. Shocking exposure of Cornwall’s National Award Winning - TopicsExpress


BREAKING. Shocking exposure of Cornwall’s National Award Winning Care Provider Cornwall Care Ltd. Now will you listen? Jenny I urge you to download this ebook and read the reality of life behind the glossy PR web site of Cornwall Care Ltd. This is now live on the internet, written by someone who recently worked for this company and witnessed the sub-standard facilities and care being offered to Cornwall Care residents. Cornwall Care Ltd bully and threaten families and staff and I have evidence of other family members (threatened with arrest), nurses (threatened with police action), the list goes on ….. In 2010 the CEO Douglas Webb and his then Operations of Nursing Manager, Tracie North were instrumental in me finding myself banned from visiting my Mum-n-law who has dementia in Trevarna Care Home, St Austell. It took 3 years and repeated requests to Douglas Webb by the Local Government Ombudsman to get that Ban lifted, but there were yet more false allegations directed at me by Douglas Webb meaning I was still unable to visit, in fear of what lies may be said about me. The lifting of the Ban meant nothing. I have worked for 5 years totally voluntary trying to seek justice for our family and to expose the ruthless conduct of this care provider. Our family have followed every formal complaint procedure open to us with no success. I have shared our experiences with the Care Quality Commission, Cornwall Council Safeguarding Team, even with a direct link to Andrea Sutcliffe, but none of them could help our family or even tried to. I met with staff from Cornwall Council, including Head of Service Improvement Sarah McBride. Another person was reduced to tears sat in our family home listening to my story. They said Cornwall Care are not fit for purpose. That person was then hauled in and told they were not allowed to communicate with me again. I have spoken to Community Nurses who agree Cornwall Care are failing their residents, the standards of care ‘not great’. One was even lied about, yet it was not challenged by the GP Surgery. Why? I have met with 3 MP’s in Cornwall – Sarah Newton (Truro), Andrew George (West – also sits on Government Health Select Committee) and Stephen Gilbert (Truro). They all support Cornwall Care and Cornwall Council. Stephen Gilbert met with Douglas Webb last year and after several attempts to find out the outcome, he wrote to say he supported Douglas Webb’s actions against me and they were justified. I have spoken and written to Paul Burstow and Norman Lamb with feedback on Cornwall Care Ltd, yet this year Norman Lamb proudly stands outside a Cornwall Care home in Truro with Douglas Webb promoting their company. I tried to expose Cornwall Care in the local Media – West Briton, Cornish Guardian. No one would put into print my story. BBC Radio Cornwall – know my story yet repeatedly invite Douglas Webb into the Studio as the expert in care when there are any debates on care issues. BBC Spotlight are also aware of my story. In 2013 I appeared on ITV Daybreak with Fiona Phillips on a feature covering whistle blowing. I was NOT allowed to give name of care provider or the area of the country I live. I was NOT allowed to use the words neglect or abuse. Cornwall Care Ltd were given a full right to reply and my story was totally misrepresented in this feature. The devastation of Cornwall Care on our family, led by Douglas Webb has resorted in us leaving Cornwall to rebuild our lives. As many of you will know, both families and whistle blowers, there is no easy fix to the trail of destruction they leave behind as they continue on with their ruthless ways. No matter how loud we shout, how high up we go, we are powerless and they know that. Cornwall is an INSULAR PENINSULA. Cornwall Council and private care providers have had it easy for too long. They continue on without being challenged. It is a very unique culture in Cornwall. A few days ago I had contact from the man who has written this ebook. This is the best end to 2014, but more importantly, it is my hope that his admirable and brave efforts will make a significant impact for the poor residents ‘living’ in a Cornwall Care home. There are many questions to be asked – the appalling condition of Penberthy House would be obvious to anyone, especially those trained in care. There will be many visiting this home in a professional capacity. Remember Cornwall Care do not only own this one care home. March 2014 CQC inspected this care home and it was fully compliant. Once again, my concerns over local inspectors and Area Managers for CQC are highlighted. I am easy to be labelled as a demanding, paranoid relative, who seeks 100% perfect care. No I do not. From Day 1 all I have wanted for my loved one and everyone else, is for them to be cared for with the dignity and respect they deserve. My hope is people will now see for themselves, care workers may choose to finally find the courage to come together and speak out. Cornwall Care Ltd should be investigated as it should have been a very long time ago – and NOT by the CQC. To highlight this one home, could change the lives for not just those residents, but the ones in the other 16 homes they own. Douglas Webb needs to be removed from post, as do his senior managers. Those who have ignored our alerts should also be made accountable. Douglas Webb is focused on closing his homes whilst building up his new empire of brand new care villages. This will be a disaster for the county of Cornwall. You can always attend the Hotel Tresanton, St Mawes on 26 January to hear Douglas Webb speak as Guest Speaker, tickets a bargain at only £4,750 each. A huge THANK YOU to Toby Abbs for sticking his neck out. Here’s to a better year for those living in care homes – they need people like us all on this page. A final word – Rotten at the top, rotten at the core. May the tide now turn. No one is untouchable. I would appreciate it if you would please copy my post and link and paste to your own page, sharing anywhere you choose.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:18:46 +0000

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