BREAKING THE CHAINS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SLAVERY BY NA’IM AKBAR To achieve self-destruction at the subliminal behest of white America the African-American population must be unconsciously programmed by the white American community to mount a deadly assault upon itself and annihilate itself by its own hands. Its self annihilation must be both violent and insidious. The conscious and unconscious programming of black America by white America also involves the organization and expression of African-American behavior which is antisocial thereby requiring suppression by the white American police state. What better way to Provo deadly but necessary violence against African-American community then photos to criminalize that community and then execute it for its allege criminality? BREAKING THE CHAINS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SLAVERY BY NA’IM AKBAR) The problem that has been created for the Euro-American mind, which has led him to become an imperialist, a slave maker, a Colonialist, an oppressor around the world, is rooted in this idea that made him believe that he was the Caucasian image that he had identified as God. He believed that this gave him the power and the right to do whatever he wanted to do. It began to destroy the persons natural humility and submissiveness to the superior God force. The European is on the verge of self-destruction because it no longer has the capacity to correct itself. It has gotten somehow consumed by its own consumption because it cannot naturally correct and regulate itself. It has made itself hated by nations around the world because it cannot naturally correct its addiction to access. They are drunk on the idea of being like the image that they portray as God. BREAKING THE CHAINS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SLAVERY BY NA’IM AKBAR The fact that we remain consumers and laborers, rather than manufacturers, planners, and managers, has a lot to do with the sense of inferiority. The continued portrayal of African-Americans as clowns, servants, crooks, and incompetents maintains this sense of inferiority. The limited number of powerful and dignified images of African-Americans in the media and the community as a whole, reduces our sense of self respect. This is a continuation of slavery patterns. Only those persons who look like, acted like, and thought in the framework of reference of the master, were completely acceptable. Those earning such acceptance were projected as far superior to those who looked-like, acted-like, and thought in the frame of reference of African self-affirmation. We can reverse the destructive effects of slavery by looking to strengths in our past and beginning to make plans for our future. If we begin to direct our childrens attention to strong images like themselves, they will grow in self-respect. We must honor and exalt our own heroes, and those heroes must be people who have done the most to dignify us as a people.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:36:39 +0000

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