BREAKTHROUGH In order for us to get our victory, we must have - TopicsExpress


BREAKTHROUGH In order for us to get our victory, we must have understanding, insight, and wisdom, because there is something owed to us and something is supposed to happen to you in your life. I want you to understand that there is a spiritual war that is trying to stop you from getting the things God has declared over you. The enemy will try to keep you in a fruitless cycle and season. When we look at time (Greek: Chronos), it is linked to moments, hours, minutes; times that are linked to seasons. Seasons are a span of time were certain events happen, giving us an indication of what time we are in, and when that season changes. The seasons indicate when you have come out of one time, and are entering another. Sometimes, we don’t recognize that our season has changed. But the way that we know the season has changed is by what is happening around us: leaves change or grow, the temperature changes significantly, white snow or green grass are all such signs. Likewise, there are indicators to know when the seasons of your life have changed; people start acting ugly towards you, your friends suddenly stop talking to you, family thinks you’re crazy because you’re happy. Maybe God doesn’t want them in your next season. So thank God for moving them out of your life now, because they definitely won’t be able to handle where you are going! If you are in a cycle of blessing in your life, the reason the enemy tempts you with sin is to get you to try to do something that will break that cycle! Have you ever been in a cycle of blessing, where everything you touched was blessed? Everything you did got blessed? Everything you put your hands to was blessed? The enemy hates it when you get into that cycle of blessing! He will send anybody, any word, any frustration and discouragement to try to break your cycle of blessing. He wants you to get angry, offended, and discouraged, because he wants you to break your cycle of blessing! When you look at David, he is anointed as king, and yet is still walking through a field of sheep, and their dung. Then, there is a man by the name of Saul that throws even more “fertilizer” on David. But David isn’t fazed by all of this! David’s armor-bearers suggested they go kill Saul, but David commands them not to touch Saul, for what Saul was doing against David was actually working for David! David walks in the anointing of a king, and in the ownership of a city he never actually lived in! The Bible refers to Jerusalem as the “City of David” and yet, David never took up residence with those city walls! When David reaches the area that will become the capital of Israel, “the Jebusites were inhabiting what belonged to him.” (1 Chronicles 11:4) The Jebusites told David that he would never enter their city, but the Bible says David’s reply is one word: “Nevertheless.” David broke the cycle! The word “hungry,” defined as “strongly motivated (as by ambition)” is linked to the word “desire,” as in “to long for.” You cannot hunger after something unless you first desire it. Jesus is showing a quite human attribute that he is not only hungry but is desiring of something to eat, and his desire got hold of him so much that it caused him to cross the road and go over to the fig tree with the expectation to receive something. Desire will push you; desire will make you cross the road. Here is Jesus, so moved by desire/hunger that he crosses over the road to the fig tree, expecting to receive something but there is nothing but leaves. There are things that the enemy will try to set up to deceive you, things that he will try to present to you right before your biggest breakthrough. He will try to deceive you will the leaves so that you never reach the fruit. Jesus should have known that there was nothing on the fig tree, but his desire moved him to look for himself. Remember this: It was only a week later that Jesus is going to have power over death and grave. Anytime you are about to fulfill your destiny and purpose, you will have to deal with temptation. If it feels like you are getting nothing but the worst life has to offer, it is then that you are about reach your breakthrough to the best God has to offer!....Brian Lake
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:47:17 +0000

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