BRENDAS LIFE is FOREVER changed TODAY Thank you JESUS... READ and - TopicsExpress


BRENDAS LIFE is FOREVER changed TODAY Thank you JESUS... READ and see why..... Have a amazing testimony today..Living life naturally supernatural...I went to the bank today and could not help but overhear a lady sharing how her husband had past and baby died too.. Little did I know what would happen next but God did. I walked outside and saw her heading to her car I called out to her, I couldnt help but overhear what happen to your family can I pray for you. She said yes. So I prayed for God to remove the tape playing in her head and heal her heart. She shared how she had remarried and had a son that was 30yrs old now she had been playing the tape like it was yesterday for over 30yrs..Well If that was all that would have been amazing but God was not done. I said goodbye and she walked away and then I felt I was to ask her about her back at first I blew it off but since it persisted I shouted out do you have something going on with your back are you in pain. She stopped and said how do you know I broke my back..I explained how I felt the Lord show me he wanted to heal her back too.. shared a couple quick testimonies and prayed and instantly there was heat on her back and after releasing the peace of heaven breaking off the trauma I had her test it out.... She said it feels better..So I said try and do something you normally cant do that is when she started twisting and her eyes got big and shared how she had had many surgeries and was supposed to go again..She had been dealing with the pain for years it was a level 6 before we prayed...Praise Jesus her heart and back were both healed and that is enough to shout for but God had one more thing he wanted to do I than asked her if she knew Jesus that I wasnt the one who healed her He was..She shared how she had asked Jesus a long time ago but walked away trying to do it on her own..So I asked if she would like to let Jesus be Lord of her life..She said yes and in the Chase parking lot gave her heart to Jesus and forgave all of her enemies..Which was a big deal since she is a native american who has had her identity stripped away from her by her own people.. But Jesus today gave her a new identity in Him.... Jesus healed her heart her body and her soul all at the bank here is to living naturally supernatural..When we say yes He comes and we get to see Him do great things loving the one in front of us..All it takes is a yes and He does the rest......
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 01:14:53 +0000

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