“BRING YOUR GAME UP” – There was this spider in my bedroom, - TopicsExpress


“BRING YOUR GAME UP” – There was this spider in my bedroom, and particular spider species can anticipate your moment and quickly jump out of the way before you hit it with an object. I saw this spider and tried to anticipate their quick movement and was unsuccessful. The spider jumped out of the way and I was unable to find it. Disgusted, I left the room because it was my desire to not have a spider hanging out where I have to sleep. Several hours passed by and the spider had resurfaced, this time I was ready and he was caught off guard and I killed it. There are times in our lives when we face a similar situation. It’s not a spider but it’s the enemy 4 sure! When we’re not spiritually prepared, spiritually week, and spiritually slow the enemy will jump out of the way because we’re too slow with our tools to defeat him. Remember how I said that the spider I had to deal with was in my bedroom? Well the enemy loves to hang out in places where we sleep, because when we’re spiritually sleep we are defenseless. I encourage you to bring your game up by reading the word, turning your plate down, praying, then go back into the room and catch him off guard. Then you’ll be prepared this time to handle your business… (DC Real Talk #1887)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:00:18 +0000

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