BRINGING GLORY TO GOD: BE PROGRAMMED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Think Righteousness, SEE Righteousness, TALK Righteousness.... mind you, Its the RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD, not your own STINKY, SMELLY Righteousness... Quit falling victim to the deception of the FLESH... The FLESH is programmed for CONDEMNATION, that is its LANGUAGE and DESTINY... always reminding you of CONDEMNATION... It knows NO OTHER THING aside CONDEMNING you.. it strives to be what it can not be, it strives to be RIGHTEOUS, yet CAN NOT BE...its righteousness is FILTH in the eyes of GOD. REIGN OVER IT.. meaning IGNORE it.. RISE ABOVE it... when you are on a Plane, you do not CONSIDER Ants on the ground, THIS SHOULD BE THE MINDSET towards the FLESH, LOOK FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP, dont CONSIDER its dictates...DO NOT LET IT VICTIMIZE YOU... You have been SAVED... YOU ARE NOT TRYING TO BE SAVED... ITS DONE AND FINISHED! Nothing ought to be added to it by you or anyone else... GOD DID IT FOR HIMSELF, BY HIMSELF AND IN HIMSELF... HE IS SOLELY THE LEGISLATIVE, THE EXECUTIVE, AND THE JUDICIARY.. He does not NEED your ideas.. HE IS KNOWLEDGE... WISDOM...etc John The Baptist said it CLEARLY Look, the Lamb of God who TAKES AWAY the sin of the world! John 1:29. He didnt say LOOK,THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY SOME OF THE SIN OF THE WORLD LEAVING THE REST TO OUR EFFORT. NO!! HE TOOK IT AWAY COMPLETELY, 100%...It was STRICTLY His IDEA, HIS EFFORT, FOR HIM and THROUGH HIM... We didnt need to SUGGEST to Him or ADD anything to it...He did not need to ask for our CONTRIBUTION to the idea, there was no debate needed, HE IS ALL KNOWING, needing no advice... When you PONDER on CONDEMNATION, you develop the MINDSET of the CONDEMNED and MOUND your life towards CONDEMNATION... YOU WILL LIVE A WHOLE 200yrs and NEVER bring GLORY to God... You do not bring GLORY to God by trying to be NICE or GOOD, THAT IS HUMAN IDEA OF BESTOWING GLORY TO GOD...Anybody can decide to be nice, kind.... this is WONDERFUL AND ENDEARING, God rewards this, BUT THAT IS NOT ALL ABOUT BRINGING GLORY TO GOD... YOU BRING GLORY TO GOD BY LIVING THE LIFE OF LIGHT... LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE THAT OTHERS WILL SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS AND GLORIFY THY FATHER IN HEAVEN(Matthew 5:16). When you are BORN AGAIN, you are BORN OF THE WORD, and THE WORD OF GOD IS LIGHT... so you are BORN OF LIGHT, you BECOME LIGHT TO THE DESOLATE CONSTITUENTS OF THE EARTH... It is this Light that WROUGHT Good works that bring glory to God, the WORKS only LIGHT can do... Mark 16:15-18, Matthew 10:8. THIS IS THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, and the WORKS spoken of... Remember, JESUS said its my FATHER in ME that DOETH the works... Which works did HIS FATHER in Him do and still want to do through us? 1. Raise the dead 2. Heal the Sick 3. Give sight to the Blind 4. Cleanse the leper, 5. MANY MORE... THESE ARE GOOD WORKS WHICH ONLY THE INDWELLING FATHER CAN DO... and the ability to do these GOOD WORKS have been deposited into you by the HOLY SPIRIT when HE came to dwell in you just like He dwelt in JESUS and wrought GOOD WORKS by Him... A good man, out of the TREASURES of his heart, brings forth GOOD THINGS. These TREASURE is the ABILITY the HOLY SPIRIT brought to you when you RECEIVED Him, He made you ABLE to do GOOD WORKS to the GLORY OF THE FATHER... but when you allow the FLESH dominate you, you come short of the MIND OF CHRIST and RESTRAIN the POWER to do GOOD WORKS that is in you and working through you,QUENCHING THE SPIRIT. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 QUENCH NOT THE SPIRIT. We do not BRING GLORY to God just because we visited a sick person at the HOSPITAL with BAGS full of SNACKS and Get well cards... we do not bring GLORY to God just because we cried by the BED of a sick and dying man... NOPE!! That is not bringing GLORY to God even though its part of showing CARE and LOVE which anyone can do and even more... BUT WE BRING GLORY TO GOD WHEN WE FUNCTION IN THE LIGHT OF HIS WORD AND RECOGNIZE BY DIVINE KNOWLEDGE THE OPPOSITION AND STANDING OUR GROUND AGAINST IT, EXERCISING AUTHORITY AND BRINGING ALL PAIN AND MISERY TO AND END BY THE POWER OF THE WORD THAT IS NIGH US, IN OUR MOUTH Romans 10:8. John 11:43, Mark 5:41 and the whole world is like WOW!! GLORY TO GOD!! This is how light shines, this is how to bring GLORY to God...This is what DIFFERENTIATES the SONS OF GOD from the SONS OF MEN.. No Sons of men can do the above, THE FATHER DWELLS NOT IN THEM. You can NEVER live the CHRISTIAN LIFE with a mindset of condemnation... PAUL was a man who LEARNED to live above SELF GUILT, if he allowed that GUILT to dominate his consciousness, HE WOULD NOT HAVE THE GUTS, AUDACITY OR BOLDNESS to PUT THIS ABILITY TO WORK BY COMMANDING a LAME man to RISE UP AND WALK...he would have been listening to his conscience and be thrown into deep FAITH PARALYZING deliberation... BUT HE ROSE ABOVE IT, AND THAT BROUGHT GLORY TO GOD. ALL HUMANITY NEED JESUS...HE DIED TO SAVE US AND FILL US WITH DIVINE ABILITY BRINGING INTO ONENESS WITH HIMSELF... We need to understood how DESTRUCTIVE a WEAK conscience is to our JUST Boldness, Paul talked about it in the GREAT epistle to the Romans... mans conscience can keep his FAITH from working... I remember years back GROWING up, we saw DREADLOCKS as was STRICTLY a societal view, but WEAK conscience took advantage of that and TORMENTED us. AS KNOWLEDGE grew, conscience became STRONG and we REIGNED above that crippling IGNORANCE... if DREADLOCKS, a type of hair style is WRONG, then all hair styles are wrong.. just because you do not like a particular one would not make it wrong. Paul gave such example in things presented to idols, the man with a weak conscience is DISTURBED, but the man who has KNOWLEDGE that idols are EMPTY, takes the food, GIVES thanks to JEHOVAH EL-SHADDAI, EATS and its WELL WITH HIM... No wonder it is THROUGH KNOWLEDGE THE JUST IS DELIVERED INTO HIS INHERITANCE... a LACK of it causes the People to PERISH/SUFFER. Just like we suffered a conscience torment years back simply from LACK of KNOWLEDGE and SUFFERED a lot we would have REIGNED above. THE CHALLENGE IS THAT MOST PEOPLE AT THE FORE FRONT HAVE NOT REALLY COME TO TERMS WITH THE TOO GOOD REALITY OF THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, they keep teaching the younger generation their own THINKING of what the GOSPEL should be, POSITIONING them in the PATH of either UNBELIEF or LACK OF KNOWLEDGE causing these children to grow up to hardly accept when CORRECTED. Herein is where the challenge lies. WE MUST LEARN NOT TO LIVE BY OTHERS EXPERIENCE, especially concerning the WORD of God... the fact that its not working for the other person does not mean it wont work for you or that there is anything wrong with WORD OF GOD, it simply means the other person is either NOT really BELIEVING or LACKING ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE, you would be shocked at how JESUS told His own disciples to the face that they were UNBELIEVING(Matthew 17:20). These were men who left FAMILIES for Him, ATE with Him, went everywhere with Him. From a DISTANCE, who would have THOUGHT this, yet when they got it RIGHT believing, we READ about their GOOD WORKS. Do not consider how PIOUS a man may appear or the ROBE he may be adorned with... THE WORD OF GOD DOES NOT CONSIDER THESE... Get the PRINCIPLES RIGHT and REAP the BLESSING... after all there were EXAMS you heard and saw others FAILED, yet that didnt DETER you, unless you were LOOKING for EXCUSES, but you sat for it and PASSED because you PREPARED differently and answered the questions CORRECTLY... This is why we are STILL looking into the MIRROR... Adios!!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 10:42:43 +0000

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