BROKEN BRITISH POLITICS – NHS BEING SOLD OFF TO FOREIGN INTERESTS MP’S of both Parties are ditching Principles and joining the NHS Gravy Train Sell Off which tells us two things if nothing else MP’S are self-serving and the NHS Will not be Free for Long. Foreign Countries maybe involved in some of the sell off proposals – and we all know what that means ‘being treated similar to how UNUM & ATOS treat patients’. Mark Simmonds MP - former special adviser to Circle Health the first company to take over the running of a NHS hospital and a company that is embedded into the highest areas of government influence , was Under Secretary of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office obviously a conflict of interest that went unnoticed. Not only is a former Circle employee writing the health policy for No10, but another of their former staff is health adviser to Jeremy Hunt .A secret plan was unearthed by a Freedom of Information release ,communications between management consultancy firm McKinsey and the Department of Health, which revealed how over 20 NHS hospitals should be taken over by foreign firms . What chance do we have with a Privatised Government – NONE brokenbritishpolitics.simplesite
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:50:13 +0000

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