BROKEN BRITISH POLITICS – NOT ONLY BROKEN- CORRUPT & UNWORKABLE The Political System in this Country is a Shambles ,Corrupt ,Unworkable and totally lost its Moral Compass .Each Political Party has an Hierarchy a small group that decides on Political Policy to enhance that Parties chance of Re-election and carry out their long time reforms for the Betterment of the Public & Country as a Whole – Yesterday’s News from Aneurin Bevan& William Beveridge’s days . Today Outside Political influence interferes with Domestic Policy .Everyone has a Price and Outside Influences prey on this especially if their Ideology ,Product or Promotion is aiming for a Global Stage. On today’s Political Home Front their seems to be a Political Arrogance that those in Power display as though Us the General Public do not matter anymore .Why is that ? Obviously they know far more than we can imagine are we more Integrated within the EU ,is there a Global Elite that control all Monetary Transactions ,why until an Election are they totally unconcerned about our opinions whether for or against their Policies . Our vote only Legitimises them Legally once in Power they will do their own thing regardless . The only way to change this Corrupt Debacle is to take an attitude of non- conformity . They cannot lock us all up at once ,Organisations today are orderly and aim to change the Status Quo – it will never happen – but if We the Public on our own volition disregard Authoritarianism by means of non-conformity it’s something they cannot deal with on a spasmodic isolated pocket basis ,Broken Britain is Broken only by the inefftiveness of Us the Public to Bring those in Power to account . Full list of 62 MP’s Benefiting from Sale of NHS at Address below – is yours one of them . brokenbritishpolitics.simplesite
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:27:56 +0000

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