BROKEN BRITISH POLITICS –AUSTERITY A MYTH -TAX THE GREEDY FEED THE NEEDY Wealth is a Weapon for Improper use of Power and should be limited as such . As I have maintained Austerity Measures were not an absolute – if you understand that no Successful Business was ever run by the book otherwise it would have folded you would realise that Businessmen are not the most trusted of People . The Guardian exposes that there is an estimated £13-20 Trillion in Funds Banked in Secretive Tax Havens like the Cayman Islands and Switzerland by ‘mega-rich’ individuals. Of course, because they’re so secretive, experts can only estimate what’s there. It’s highly likely that that the real figure is far higher. But let’s go with that range for now, and then let’s play with the numbers a little to get some kind of grasp of what they really signify. Because the banks holding the funds are so secretive, we don’t know how much of that wealth is owned by people who should be paying UK tax. But let’s be cautious and say 5% – £650 billion. Now let’s be generous to those UK ‘taxpayers’ and assume they already paid 10% tax on it as they ‘earned’ it (the super-rich often pay much less than 10% because of slick tax dodges – remember, the rich but not super-rich Jimmy Carr only paid 1%!). That means if they’d been forced to pay the current top rate of UK tax as they amassed that wealth, a staggering further sum of £260 billion would have been paid into the UK treasury. To put that into context, the total UK national debt at the moment is around £850 billion. So instead of being at 66% of GDP, our national debt would be sitting at a healthy-looking 45% – purely from properly taxing a tiny number of people. We do not have to mathematicians to know things just do not add up .But what else do we expect from a bunch of Deceitful Liars brokenbritishpolitics.simplesite
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 08:51:10 +0000

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