BROKEN BRITISH POLITICS –EU GIVEN PRIORITY OVER OUR JOBS Benefit Sanctions are part of the DWP’s Claimant Control strategy whereby Claimants are Sanctioned for failing to do a number of things that do not meet the Jobcentre criteria for receiving Benefits . The Tory mantra “get a job you scrounger” is so facial it is unbelievable .The Tories not value for money except for themselves philosophy is costing us Taxpayers millions of pounds wasted on Bogus Agencies .There is widespread repartition of job vacancies on the Governments Flagship Universal Job match obviously the website is flying at half mast as deceitful liar ID Smith is in charge . An outside investigation found that 30% of the jobs advertised on Universal Jobmatch were fake. The input from Monster Employment agency falls spectacularly short of what we the Taxpayer are spending our money on ,they advertise and send out emails notifying claimants of vacancies using the repeated statement “Production Operatives” which leads you to the same vacancy every time . The unrecoverable money wasted on the first IT programme cost us £146 million – what is it going to cost this time . Within the last year 1500,000 jobs have only been Advertised within the EU and not here .Shambles Government shambles systems .A Benefit Claimant is therefore using an Official Website that is as unreal as Liar Smith .Claimants are blatantly Sanctioned for not applying for bogus jobs ,repeated same vacancies and jobs that are in existence but not on the site .The EU sponsors the Jobcentre Logo from the Social Fund at the same time as denying jobs in Britain for the British . ‘IDS faces a probe’ say many newspapers – what in his head . brokenbritishpolitics.simplesite
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:30:34 +0000

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