BROKEN? HARDLY! The Democrat Party is not broken. It is still - TopicsExpress


BROKEN? HARDLY! The Democrat Party is not broken. It is still right up to this second, what it has been for years. It is a slow and gradual transformation from the Democrats Party of old (ever hear of someone being referred to as Blue Dog Democrat anymore? NO!) into the Communist party. Liberals, or Progressives, or whatever word they pull out of a thesaurus next were once a fringe element of the party. Now they are the party. Any doubt they Communist? Read “COMMUNISMS 45 GOALS TO DESTROY AMERICA.” IT IS ALMOST VERBATIM TO THE DEMOCRAT AGENDA OF TODAY! So, when I say they are Communist, that is NOT my opinion. THAT IS FACT. END OF STORY! No, the party is not “broken,” it just has had some speed bumps put in its way, nothing more… but tyranny does not like speed bumps… Hence the TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT BY OBAMA LAST NIGHT. Liberals who want to justify Obamas actions and just use something they heard on MSNBC’s talking points, or from Obamas talking points, just need to be confronted and asked TWO QUESTIONS point blank (however dont expect them to be able to answer either because MSNBC anchors havent a clue, and of course neither the anchors, nor every day liberals have any use for reading the Constitution). Q1: WHERE DOES ARTICLE II GIVE THE PRESIDENT POWER OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? A1: IT DOESNT’T. The Powers of the President are very clearly laid out in Article II. Q2: WHERE DOES ARTICLE I GIVE THE POWER OVER ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS / AKA CITIZENSHIP? A2: While there are only two specific references in the Constitution to immigration , stated in this most important of documents as , “naturalization,” there is clear evidence by the Framers as to what they intended concerning the rights of the people who live in this country and how those rights affect immigrants both legal and illegal. The two references in the Constitution that specifically mention , “naturalization, ” are found in Article I, Section 8 in creating the authority of the Congress, “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.” Thus from a Constitutional stand point it is the responsibility of Congress to establish all laws and rules of naturalization or immigration. The second reference is located in the 14th Amendment shown above stating that , “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” are, “citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” WHY DOESNT ANYONE IN AMERICA KNOW THAT? SAME REASON PLANTATION OWNERS DID NOT WANT SLAVES READING… THE INDOCTRINATION CZAR DOESNT WANT AMERICANS KNOWING THE TRUTH AFTER ALL… THEY MIGHT REVOLT IF THEY DID! Read on...
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:51:38 +0000

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