BROKENNESS TEXT: John 12:24 “Except a grain of wheat fall unto - TopicsExpress


BROKENNESS TEXT: John 12:24 “Except a grain of wheat fall unto the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed, but if it dies, it produces many seeds. The moment a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it loses its identity; it rots and ceases to live. Many day left after it has been forgotten, it receives new life and began to sprout, it progressively grow bigger and higher until it matures and begin to bear fruits. Brokenness has to do with dying to live, except there is death to the flesh, their cannot be life spiritually, from Bible times till date, every instruments that was raised by God as a vessels of honour was broken. Moses made great impact without first being broken in men’s view, broken vessels do not have any value, if anything, they are meant to be thrown away but this is not the same with God, He needs broken human vessel for spectacular assignments the more broken a vessel is, the more useful it is in the hand of the LORD, and the close that vessel will be to the LORD, if we desire to come unto a right and passionate relationship with God, so He could be our ultimate friend, we need to be broken. Unfortunately the need for brokenness is one that is hardly mentioned from our pulpits in the church or today. It is not one of those popular messages that the church could want to hear, yet it is relevant in God’s agenda for the meaningful impact on your world, to leave your footprints on the sand of time, you must be broken. Not much can be achieved for God in this season without it, it is not an issue that could be swept under the table or sideline. God is looking for men and women who at all cost will make His heart glad on a daily basis, people whose hearts are broken by the things that break his heart, God’s heart yearning for children who can lavish their love on Him and come before Him, not to make request but just to appreciate Him for whom He is. WHAT THEN IS BROKENESS Brokenness involves giving the Holy Spirit complete access, freedom, and control over every area of our life such that we becomes pliable in God’s hand. At this point, because He is solely in charge of our lives, we can easily surrender our will and gladly carry out the will of the master, many talk about Gods will as if it is an easy thing to do, it is one thing to know God’s will for our lives, and yet another thing to surrender totally to it, the truth is that the Holy spirit must either have all of us or none of us. Brokenness enables us to give God easy access unto our hearts and lives so that He can reveal to us the tares that have grown along side the precious wheat in our lives and to uproot them. Brokenness is a state of the heart, it is not an out word show, it is not about dressing or walking harmlessly neither is it about looking very pious and religious, if all these things are achieved on the outside. When the heart is in a mess, it is only but hypocrisy; brokenness is far from this. Brokenness starts from the heart, the evidence must conspicuously seen on the outside, it is a condition of staying touched in the inner most depth of our being by the spirit of God, for the purpose of ensuring a dynamic living and a two-way relationship with God, this is because for us to be mightily used of God, every flesh motivated ambition must be done away with unless we understand that we are absolutely nothing before God and give Him total access unto our lives, he cannot make much out of us, Paul prayed and very important prayer in his Ephesians converts in (Ephesians 1:17-20) “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places”. Brokenness is a painful and sometimes humiliating process to go through, but is the only way to true spiritual power and sweetness in the kingdom, if we must stay connected to heaven and know the mind of God, we must be broken. Brokenness is a total annihilation of self and total enthronement of God in our lives, it is a situation where self is completely dead and God is the only one now living His life through us. It begins when we drop our own assignment of ourselves and get unto God’s weighing scale and allow Him to measure and rate us accordingly. It is completely divorce from self. Dr. D.K. Olukoya puts it, “a proud person is useless to God as cosmetics on a corpse”. God abhors pride; little wonder James says “God Himself resists the proud, but give grace to the humble” James 4: 6b We must deny ourselves and consciously dethrone self, and we cause to die that our spirit may live, the flesh must be subdued and disciplined to the point where it becomes clear to us and to the flesh that it is not and cannot be in control anymore. The only way to ensure that we will not be disqualified is by discipline ourselves and putting our flesh under subjection Paul stated it emphatically in 1Corithians 9:27 “But I keep under my body, and bring it unto subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a cast away” That way we will lean to wait on the LORD to work out things according to his perfect timing and will. When we live in the flesh, we gave birth to Ishmael’s instead of Isaac’s in that way, we have accepted a substitute we carry out our own plans and agenda instead of God’s no matter how long it takes for God to show up in any circumstances, brokenness says, wait for Him. “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength then shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run, and not weary, and they shall work and not faint” Isaiah 40:41 Paul says in Romans 7vs 18 “For I know that in me that is in my flesh, dwells no good thing, for to will is present with me, but to perform that which is good I find not” Brokenness is depth to self, self is the same as flesh. THE PRUNING PROCESS AND THE WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE John 15vs2 says “Every branch in me that does not bear fruits, He takes away and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes, that it may bear much fruits” Ready through Bob Sirge’s book in His face, “I got some insight unto Gods pruning style, God prunes to redirects, and channel growth, that He might gather a greater harvest. As He prunes, He removes dead branches and trims back living branches, pruning hurts, it causes pains, the way a veteran gardener prunes his vine is very shocking to a novice. He lives the vine butchered, the onlooker is tempted to feel that the vine will die, pruning is like an organized destruction, many at times God has to destroy before He can construct, that is God’s principles, He first scatters all those things you think you have or have or are own, which do not confirm to His pattern, He will in His own organized way pull down your carnal strengthens, your ability and your achievements that make your head swell, gather your bits and pieces together and bury you to a yielded state. The pruning can be substituted for chastening Hebrews 12vs 11 to read Job 5vs 17-19 “Behold, happy is the man whom God correct, therefore despise not the chastening of the Almighty for He makes sure, and He bind up, he wounds and his hand makes whole, He shall deliver you from six troubles yes in seven there shall no evil touch thee” Obadiah lamented thus: “He that has eaten my bread has caused a wound under me” (Obadiah 1:7b) Note that it is God who allows the enemy to use those we do not expect as instruments to prune us. It is as painful to our flesh as it was when Brutus stabbed Caesar at his back and Caesar turned around to him and said “even you Brutus” it was also as painful as it was to Jesus when Judas one of His disciples betrayed Him, if only we understand and agree with me today that God is the initiator of our purring process, we will thank Him all the same. BENEFITS OF BROKENNESS 1. IT MAKES YOU USEFUL FOR EVERY GOOD WORKER: Brokenness makes you spiritually pliable useable and useful for every good work and powerful tool in the hands of the LORD. II Timothy 2:20 states clearly “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for noble purposes and some for ignoble, if any man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instruments for noble purpose, make holy, useful for the master” You are the one that qualifies yourself to be selected as a vessel for noble use or for ignorable use; both vessels are found in the same house. God cannot invest his anointing power on flesh 2. IT MAKES YOU A RELIABLE KINGDOM MATERIAL: when you are broken, you become less prone to falling to temptation, it selfless a lot of spiritual warfare you are engaged in. Brokenness gives you a lot of heartaches and hassles, you are recognized as useful in Gods kingdom and also well dreaded in the kingdom of darkness. 3. IT HELPS YOU RESPOUND POSITIVELY TO CHALLENGES: your level of brokenness determine how you handle the troubles of life that comes along your path, it determines how you go through hard times, and how you swim through the rivers of life, whether you will emerged victoriously or be drowned by it. 4. IT HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE ESSENCE OF GODS’S DESCIPLINE: Brokenness brings us to the point of where we understand that God’s disciples is for our good, God does not discipline us simply to punish us for wrong behaviors, but rather to restore us to right behavior David said “Before I was afflicted, I went astray but now have I kept thy word” (Psalm 199vs 67) In James 1:2-4 we are enjoined to count it all joy when ye fall unto divers temptations, knowingly thus that the trial of our faith works patience’s, but let patience have her perfect work that ye be perfect and entire wanting nothing. 5. IT BRINGS ABOUT FRUITFULNESS: Brokenness brings about fruitfulness John 15:2 “states that any plant” which bear fruits is pruned that it may bear much fruit; A lot of Christians are like barren land, we are like the fruitless tree, unfit for God’s end time programme, we can not be used for good work. The master is in need of laborers because the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. 6. IT HELPS YOU TO WALK WITH AND ALSO FOR GOD: Brokenness enables you to work with and not just for God, God is looking for partners who will gladly work with Him, to carry out His global end time agenda. We must give a ransom, romantics with him. Brokenness brings you to the level where you can serve God with passion and get to know Him more intimately. It brings you to a point where your relationship with Him is transformed from a master servant relationship with Him is transformed. God is on the throne will help you if your willing to be broken to day ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Thanks and God help.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 11:43:43 +0000

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