BROODING ON BIRTHDAY....THE OTHER AND OUTSIDER Birthdays always brings the feeling of aging. But why people always very eager to remember their birthdays? Individualism and personality is a theme and product of industrial society. The I-consciousness is the result of our modernity. Except birth, including death, the person, the individual is responsible for in an individual centered modern world. That is why Marx said in his Economic and philosophical Manuscript, that industrialization alienated humanity from their environment. This alienation is a constant theme in Marx. The alienated labor, he calls, produce the surplus in capitalist world. This alienated state of human soul may be the reason of rising a responsible individual in horizon of our modern society. Thus the lonely man comes into existence. The Other and Outsider also. That new individual works on time. Time is money. Time is labor. Calculating hours, minutes, seconds, calculating weeks, months, years...we move on. Birthdays brings that I- consciousness, sometime with chill and shiver. Sometime with energy and togetherness. Often lost in lonely thoughts of life and death. Birthday wishes are solidarity messages, though we are moving on our own life, individual suffering, individual death, there are possibilities of oneness and wholeness, through language. Words, phrases have more life that sentences. Birthday wishes is such a phrase, it survived becoming a jargon or a cliche, always having content of love and concern and reaching to others, formally and informally. But always an I and a You are there, the alienated moments of life finding ways to join together. Many many happy returns of the day....
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:06:48 +0000

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